Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh noted that while the petition had been pending since 2018, the State had yet to file its counter in the matter, which has prolonged the disposal of the case.
“This Court deprecates in the strongest manner the conduct of the State Government in taking the Court proceedings too casually and callously,” Justice Singh said.
The judge went on to note that this is not an isolated instance and that the State’s casual conduct has led to delays in the disposal of several cases.
“This Court is at pains to note the pathetic casual approach in Court proceedings and disrespect of the State Government to the Court and Court proceedings. In no case is the counter affidavit filed on time. The Government Counsel representing the State Government takes one adjournment after another on one pretext or the other for filing the counter affidavit in a matter, which results in a long pendency of the cases in the Court,” the Court said.
Source: Barandbench