Justice Nariman said that the ruling dispensation is not only silent on hate speeches delivered in various parts of the country, but it is almost endorsing such calls for violence.
“We also unfortunately have higher echelons of the ruling party not only being silent qua hate speech but also almost endorsing it. We heard the other day from the very head of the party a juxtaposition of a Mughal emperor known for being a bigot, namely, Aurangzeb as against Shivaji who was known to be a secular leader,” Justice Nariman said.
He said that in keeping with tenets of brotherhood envisaged by the Constitution, he would have chosen Mughal emperors like Babar or Akbar instead of Aurangzeb.
“Now if as a matter of fact, fraternity is a cardinal value in our Constitution and you want to engage persons in brotherhood, I would have thought you should have chosen a Mughal emperor such as Babar or his grandson Akbar. Akbar was famous for perhaps being one of the most secular rulers that any nation had ever known at any point in time,” he stated.
Source: Barandbench