Name of the intern
Sowjanya S
Name of your college
National Law University, Jodhpur
Name of the course and year of study
One year LLM course
Name and address of the organisation
J Sagar Associates, No.29, Bannari Amman Towers, 2nd Floor, A Block, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004.
Duration of internship
From: 12/05/2021 Till: 04/06/2021
How did you apply for the internship?
I applied through the portal in the firm’s website.
First day formalities, infrastructure, first impression
There was a Zoom meeting and I was introduced to one of the associates and my co-interns.
The associate explained to me the nature of the work.
Main Tasks
Research work on the topics assigned.
Work Environment
It was a virtual internship.
Good Things
The mentors were very responsive and helpful.
Bad Things
There were no bad things.
I was paid a stipend of INR 6000/-
Details about accommodation and commute
It was a virtual internship
Anything else?
The internship was very enriching with respect to research and learning new concepts.
It would have been great if it was a physical internship. Due to the CoVID-19 pandemic, a physical internship became impossible.
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Source: Lawctopus