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HomeUncategorizedDifferentiating your brand through fresh storytelling with festive campaigns

Differentiating your brand through fresh storytelling with festive campaigns

The first panel discussion at Festive Marketing Camp 2024 brought together an elite lineup of top industry leaders for an engaging and insightful session. Titled “Festive Storytelling Frameworks: How to Stand Out and Break Through the Clutter,” the discussion explored how brands can differentiate themselves in an increasingly saturated festive marketing landscape. 

Panel Discussion: Festive Storytelling Frameworks to standout and break through the clutter

Session Chair: Hayden Scott, Creative Head – APAC, Virtue Worldwide

Roch Dsouza, Senior Vice President – Marketing, Metro Brands 

Madhu S. Dutta, Head Marketing Communication and Content, Raymond Lifestyle Limited 

Swati Balani, Executive Creative Director, BBH India

Scott opened the discussion by addressing the recurring challenge agencies face every festive season: they receive similar briefs year after year, often leading to repetitive campaigns. He posed the question, “How can brands create something fresh and engaging every year?” This kicked off a vibrant exchange of ideas and strategies, with the panel offering a range of perspectives on how to stay ahead of the curve in festive marketing.

Swati Balani was the first to respond, highlighting the importance of brand-specific consumer insights. She pointed out that identifying a deep emotional connection between the brand and its consumers is key to crafting something fresh each year. According to her, this connection helps brands pinpoint what is truly novel for their identity, as opposed to relying on generic festive tropes. She argued that brands that understand this connection can consistently create relevant and resonant campaigns.

Roch Dsouza followed by noting how drastically festive marketing has evolved over the past decade. He explained that ten years ago, festive purchases were often pre-planned and centered around the sales cycle. Today, however, consumers integrate festive spending into their broader lifestyle decisions, making the timing and approach to festive campaigns fundamentally different. Dsouza stressed that modern festive marketing requires agility and a deeper understanding of consumer behavior throughout the year.

Madhu S. Dutta expanded on this by underscoring the shift away from transactional marketing during festive periods. She explained that festive campaigns are no longer just about pushing products or driving sales. “It’s about building an emotional connection with consumers and consolidating that relationship through compelling storytelling,” Dutta said. She advised brands to focus on creating long-term bonds with their audience, rather than merely riding the wave of seasonal sales.

Hayden Scott then posed another thought-provoking question: “How should brands navigate the balance between jumping on a trending topic and ensuring their campaigns are rooted in genuine relevance?” 

Dutta was quick to express her reservations about trending topics. She argued that jumping on trends often sacrifices originality, which can dilute a brand’s identity. “A brand should have its own voice,” she emphasized, “instead of piggy-banking on trends that may not align with its core values.” For her, remaining true to a brand’s essence is far more valuable than chasing fleeting trends.

In contrast, Dsouza offered a different perspective, suggesting that the decision to leverage trends depends largely on the brand’s personality. He cited Zomato as an example of a brand that successfully aligns with trending topics, as doing so fits its fun, quirky persona. However, he agreed that this approach isn’t right for every brand, and each company must evaluate whether a trend adds to or detracts from its long-term image.

Balani weighed in by stressing the importance of knowing your brand’s personality. She advised marketers to be selective in choosing which trends to adopt, warning against jumping on every passing fad. A brand must carefully evaluate whether a trend complements its identity, ensuring it adds genuine value to the overall marketing strategy.

Shifting the conversation towards media strategy, Scott inquired about the potential for non-traditional media to evoke the same emotional resonance as full-fledged TV commercials. Both Dutta and Dsouza agreed that the effectiveness of non-traditional media depends heavily on the brand and the category. While some brands can effectively leverage alternative platforms, others may find traditional media more suitable for achieving the emotional depth they seek.

Balani added that brands should not rely on one medium alone, but rather adopt a multi-channel approach to reach and engage their audience. She emphasized that the key is ensuring that all elements of the brand communication come together cohesively, ultimately making sense to the consumer across different touchpoints.

In terms of longevity in festive campaigns, Dsouza revealed that at Metro Brands, his team is currently working on a campaign designed to last beyond the festive season. The aim is to create a campaign that resonates with consumers throughout the year, rather than being confined to a specific festival. This reflects a broader industry trend of shifting away from purely seasonal marketing efforts towards more enduring brand narratives.

As the panel discussion drew to a close, the panelists shared some of their favorite festive campaigns. Dsouza cited Netflix India’s “Cherrapunji ki Diwali” as a standout for its unconventional take on festive storytelling, which moved away from the predictable and offered something truly refreshing. For Madhu S. Dutta, the Google Reunion ad holds a special place, with its emotional depth and cultural relevance. Swati Balani highlighted Aldi’s Christmas campaign as her favorite, praising its ability to balance humor, emotion, and brand messaging seamlessly.

This enlightening discussion underscored the need for brands to go beyond surface-level strategies during festive seasons and dig deep into their unique identities, consumer connections, and storytelling potential to truly stand out amidst the clutter.

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