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HomePoliticsSubscriberWrites: Religion is a political party by another name

SubscriberWrites: Religion is a political party by another name

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Meller’s Sociological Laws are a piece by themselves. However, they spell out in very clear terms what one end of the spectrum of human thinking and behaviour could reach to.

In nutshell, they state that:  “All ideals and idealistic behaviour are against nature and natural behaviour”.. And,…nature prevails!

Meller’s Sociological Laws:
1) Anyone who can be exploited… will be.
2) If you understand the direction of flow of Money, you can predict human conduct. From this it
follows that if you can control the direction of the flow of Money, you can control human
conduct. Man is like a Sailboat, and the flow of the Money is the Wind.
3) Anything based on greed and avarice is on firm foundation and will prevail.
4) Everyone feels that He is underpaid and overcharged.
5) For every human act, there are two reasons- the stated one and the real one. These two have a correlation co-efficient that varies from one to Zero.
6) We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked.

We are born unequal, live an unequal life and die unequal- a truth that can well be called
an Axiom. Yet, man yearns for Equality. Probably, a too distant ideal, it has still not stopped mankind from making every effort to achieve it through dialogue, institutions, laws and moral suation.

The story of man’s yearning and struggles for achieving this ideal of equality in all its
forms, manner, and at all places, spell out his Idealism in all its splendour and is the
very basis of all that humans have done or achieved in their thousands of years of
Somehow, and with limited tools, trying to square this circle of Inequality.

Sober realists have, however, tried to strike a workable balance in an effort to marry the
best parts of the two eternal foes: Nature and Naturalism on one side and Ideals and
Idealism on the other.  Religion is one of the two best examples of such a marriage between ‘Secular’ and ‘Ecclesiastical’.  Politics is the other.

The numerous Revolutionary movements (including major religious movements) and
the ultimate Revolution-Democracy, which is best defined as ‘Continuous Revolution’ or as ‘Revolution through Evolution’ are all, but examples of Undying Idealism. On the other hand, feudal structures, class, race, caste, religious fundamentalism (exclusivism) and their unending development represent the Unrelenting Nature.

U.G. Krishnamurty says, ‘All the political ideologies and even the legal structures are the
warty outgrowth of the religious thinking of man’, (italics added). I have always liked to state it differently: ‘Religion is a Political Party by another

As the intricacies of man’s social life increased with increasing socialisation, the
question of his relationship with fellow society members became relevant at an
existential level. While, with spiritual awakening and the sense of awe at the wonders
of nature, quest for his relation with his supposed maker became the very fulcrum of
an individual’s life. Spiritual Equality and Temporal Equality became the two permanent quests in human life. First is seen to be pursued through the medium of Religion with ‘God’ as its Flag and Goal while the second is seen to be pursued through the medium of Politics with ‘Social Equality’ as its Flag and Goal.

The purpose and intent of both, however, being the same- a workable marriage
between Nature and Ideals. The best of human endeavours, the loftiest of human thoughts, yet in the present world- equally reviled!? Why?

The apparent cynicism in the manner and style of thinking as personified by both Meller
and UG Krishnamurty are perhaps to be blamed. Socializing and sharing instincts of mankind are definitely of an earlier origin than any religious enquiry and could arguably be considered to be its cause rather than its effect.

Every Religion is ultimately an idealistic codification of a ‘way of living’ of a community
which cuts across all other communities to create its own. Like every community it
strives to obtain the best for its members-in both the worlds.

Politics is the realistic codification of ‘the art of the possible’ seeking for its own people
the maximum possible in this world and through it improving its prospects in the comity
of societies.

Each use similar concepts to ensure that it gets the ‘Vote of Confidence’ from its
flock and that it does not drift away. If anything, politics is the less hypocritical expression. Like any human effort, Religion and Politics too are imperfect and may well be
foredoomed in their balancing act. Then Nature too is imperfect, and indeed foredoomed in its effort to crush Human Spirit, so long as the specie survives.

What happens thereafter, is for that time to reveal, and shall by definition, be of no
concern to the extinct species.

These pieces are being published as they have been received – they have not been edited/fact-checked by ThePrint.

Source: The Print

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