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Prompt Engineering – Complete Guide

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In the realm of natural language processing (NLP), Prompt engineering has emerged as a powerful technique to enhance the performance and adaptability of language models. By carefully designing prompts, we can shape the behavior and output of these models to achieve specific tasks or generate targeted responses. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of prompt engineering, its significance, and delve into various techniques and use cases. From basic prompt formatting to advanced strategies like N-shot prompting and self-consistency, we will provide insights and examples to help you harness the true potential of prompt engineering.

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering involves crafting precise and context-specific instructions or queries, known as prompts, to elicit desired responses from language models. These prompts provide guidance to the model and help shape its behavior and output. By leveraging prompt engineering techniques, we can enhance model performance, achieve better control over generated output, and address limitations associated with open-ended language generation.

Why Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering plays a crucial role in fine-tuning language models for specific applications, improving their accuracy, and ensuring more reliable results. Language models, such as GPT-3, have shown impressive capabilities in generating human-like text. However, without proper guidance, these models may produce responses that are either irrelevant, biased, or lack coherence. Prompt engineering allows us to steer these models towards desired behaviors and produce outputs that align with our intentions.

Few Standard Definitions:

Before diving deeper into prompt engineering, let’s establish some standard definitions:

  • Label: The specific category or task we want the language model to focus on, such as sentiment analysis, summarization, or question-answering.
  • Logic: The underlying rules, constraints, or instructions that guide the language model’s behavior within the given prompt.
  • Model Parameters (LLM Parameters): Refers to the specific settings or configurations of the language model, including temperature, top-k, and top-p sampling, that influence the generation process.

Basic Prompts and Prompt Formatting

When designing prompts, it’s essential to understand the basic structures and formatting techniques. Prompts often consist of instructions and placeholders that guide the model’s response. For example, in sentiment analysis, a prompt might include a placeholder for the text to be analyzed along with instructions such as “Analyze the sentiment of the following text: .” By providing clear and specific instructions, we can guide the model’s focus and produce more accurate results.

Elements of a Prompt:

A well-designed prompt should include several key elements:

  • Context: Providing relevant background or context to ensure the model understands the task or query.
  • Task Specification: Clearly defining the task or objective the model should focus on, such as generating a summary or answering a specific question.
  • Constraints: Including any limitations or constraints to guide the model’s behavior, such as word count restrictions or specific content requirements.

General Tips for Designing Prompts:

To optimize the effectiveness of prompts, consider the following tips

Be Specific: Clearly define the desired output and provide precise instructions to guide the model’s response.
Keep it Concise: Avoid overly long prompts that may confuse the model. Focus on essential instructions and information.
Be Contextually Aware: Incorporate relevant context into the prompt to ensure the model understands the desired task or query.
Test and Iterate: Experiment with different prompt designs and evaluate the model’s responses to refine and improve the prompt over time.

Prompt Engineering Use Cases

Prompt engineering can be applied to various NLP tasks. Let’s explore some common use cases:

With well-crafted prompts, language models can extract specific information from given texts. For example, by providing a prompt like “Extract the names of all characters mentioned in the text,” the model can generate a list of character names, enabling efficient information extraction.

Prompt: "Extract the names of all characters mentioned in the text."
Example Text: "In the novel 'Pride and Prejudice,' Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy, and Jane Bennet are prominent characters."
Output: ["Elizabeth Bennet", "Mr. Darcy", "Jane Bennet"]

Text Summarization

Prompts can guide language models to generate concise and accurate summaries of longer texts. By providing an instruction like “Summarize the following passage in 3-4 sentences,” we can obtain concise summaries that capture the essential information.

Prompt: "Summarize the following passage in 3-4 sentences."
Example Text: "Scientists have discovered a new species of orchid in the rainforests of South America. This orchid, named Orchidaceae novus, boasts vibrant purple petals and a unique fragrance. Its discovery brings new insights into the rich biodiversity of the region."
Output: "A new species of orchid, Orchidaceae novus, has been found in the South American rainforests. This vibrant purple orchid with a unique fragrance adds to the region's biodiversity."

Question Answering

Through carefully constructed prompts, language models can excel at question-answering tasks. For instance, by framing a prompt like “Answer the following question: [question],” the model can generate relevant and accurate responses.

Prompt: "Answer the following question: Who won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics?"
Example Question: "Who won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics?"
Output: "The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez for their groundbreaking discoveries on black holes."

Code Generation

Prompt engineering can assist in generating code snippets or programming solutions. By providing a clear task specification and relevant context, language models can generate code that aligns with the desired functionality.

Prompt: "Generate a Python code snippet to calculate the factorial of a given number."
Example Output:
def factorial(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
result = factorial(number)
print("The factorial of", number, "is", result)

Text Classification

Prompts can guide language models to perform text classification tasks, such as sentiment analysis or topic categorization. By providing specific instructions and context, models can accurately classify texts into predefined categories.

Prompt: “Classify the following review as positive or negative.”
Example Text: “The movie had incredible acting, breathtaking cinematography, and a captivating storyline that kept me on the edge of my seat.”
Output: Positive

Prompt Engineering Techniques

To further enhance the capabilities of prompt engineering, several advanced techniques can be employed:

N-shot Prompting:

N-shot prompting involves fine-tuning models with limited or no labeled data for a specific task. By providing a small number of labeled examples, language models can learn to generalize and perform the task accurately. N-shot prompting encompasses zero-shot and few-shot prompting approaches.

Zero-shot Prompting:

In zero-shot prompting, models are trained to perform tasks they haven’t been explicitly trained on. Instead, the prompt provides a clear task specification without any labeled examples. For example:

Prompt: "Translate the following English sentence to French."
English Sentence: "I love to travel and explore new cultures."
Output: "J'aime voyager et découvrir de nouvelles cultures."
Few-shot Prompting:
In few-shot prompting, models are trained with a small number of labeled examples to perform a specific task. This approach allows models to leverage a limited amount of labeled data to learn and generalize. For example:
Prompt: "Classify the sentiment of the following customer reviews as positive or negative."
Example Reviews: "The product exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend it!" "I was extremely disappointed with the quality. Avoid this product."

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting

CoT prompting involves breaking down complex tasks into a sequence of simpler questions or steps. By guiding the model through a coherent chain of prompts, we can ensure context-aware responses and improve the overall quality of the generated text.

Prompt: "Identify the main theme of the given text." "Provide three supporting arguments that highlight this theme." "Summarize the text in a single sentence."
Example Text: "The advancement of technology has revolutionized various industries, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. It has transformed the way we communicate, works, and access information."
Main Theme: "The advancement of technology and its impact on industries."
Supporting Arguments:
Increased efficiency and productivity
Transformation of communication, work, and information access
Revolutionizing various industries
Summary: "Technology's advancements have revolutionized industries, enhancing efficiency and transforming communication, work, and information access."

Generated Knowledge Prompting

Generated knowledge prompting involves leveraging external knowledge bases or generated content to enhance the model’s responses. By incorporating relevant information into prompts, models can provide detailed and accurate answers or generate content based on acquired knowledge.

Prompt: "Based on your understanding of historical events, provide a brief explanation of the causes of World War II."
Generated Knowledge: "The main causes of World War II include territorial disputes, economic instability, the rise of totalitarian regimes, and the failure of international diplomacy."
Output: "The causes of World War II were influenced by territorial disputes, economic instability, the rise of totalitarian regimes, and the failure of international diplomacy."


Self-consistency techniques focus on maintaining consistency and coherence in language model responses. By comparing generated outputs and ensuring they align with previously generated content or instructions, we can improve the overall quality and coherence of model responses.

Prompt: "Generate a story beginning with the following sentence:" "Continue the story from the previous prompt, ensuring consistency and coherence." "Conclude the story in a meaningful and satisfying way."
Prompt: "Generate a story beginning with the following sentence: 'Once upon a time in a small village…'"
Output: "Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Emma who possessed a magical power."
Prompt: "Continue the story from the previous prompt, ensuring consistency and coherence."
Output: "Emma's magical power allowed her to communicate with animals, and she used this gift to help her community and protect the village from harm."
Prompt: "Conclude the story in a meaningful and satisfying way."
Output: "As the years went by, Emma's reputation as a guardian of the village grew, and her selflessness and bravery became legendary."

These examples demonstrate how prompt engineering techniques like N-shot prompting, CoT prompting, generated knowledge prompting, and self-consistency can be applied to guide language models and produce more accurate, contextually appropriate, and coherent responses. By leveraging these techniques, we can enhance the performance and control of language models in various NLP tasks.


Prompt engineering is a powerful approach to shape and optimize the behavior of language models. By carefully designing prompts, we can influence the output and achieve more precise, reliable, and contextually appropriate results. Through techniques like N-shot prompting, CoT prompting, and self-consistency, we can further enhance model performance and control over generated output. By embracing prompt engineering, we can harness the full potential of language models and unlock new possibilities in natural language processing.

Source: GreatLearning Blog

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