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Skills that will make your job-ready

get started with upskilling


The World Economic Forum’s ‘The Future of Jobs Report’ was issued in October 2020, and it gives us a picture of what to expect in the next five years and how to plan to stay ahead of the curve.

The focus of must-have abilities has switched to the emotional quotient, social skills, and personal development, according to the research. Tasks that were formerly performed by people are being taken over by automation. By 2025, 85 million jobs are expected to be lost as a result of this transformation, while 97 million new ones will be created to fit the new division of labour between humans, robots, and algorithms.

The present pandemic situation has raised the stakes for finding decent employment. Unemployment is on the rise for a variety of reasons, including a lack of job prospects, overcrowding, and so on. Even if they have a higher education degree, it has become impossible for young people to give their careers a boost while everything is at a halt. So, Check out some of the free online certification courses that might help you to gain the skills that

What makes one individual stand out from the crowd during the application process? 

Whether we’re talking about the stage where resumes are vetted or the stage where candidates are interviewed, certain attributes are increasingly taking centre stage in recruiters’ minds. They’re seeking people who have these attributes in future hires.

Getting a desired job hasn’t got any more difficult, but it has got more competitive. Young people need to be well-prepared to enter the workforce now more than ever. 

Developing competitive job skills is a crucial aspect of your professional development. Employers, regardless of their industry, are looking for a variety of attributes. It is critical to building abilities that can be transferred from one field to another, especially if you are undecided about the career path you want to take. This gives you the freedom to explore your career possibilities while still putting together a great resume and performing well at work.

Employers and recruiters have realised that teaching knowledgeable people how to do the subtleties of any function in today’s culture are much easier. As long as they already have a considerably more difficult-to-teach skill set, that is. Critical thinking, soft skills, and some basic ability in a few areas of specialisation are all part of this skill set.

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Communication skill

Communication skill is an ability to communicate is likely to be the first set of talents that potential employers will notice. The way you act will be scrutinised by the employer from the minute you first contact them.

They’ll judge whether you have improved your communication skills based on how you talk on the phone, how you provide the information via email, your resume and cover letter, and how you handle yourself during the interview.

Your ability to convey your thoughts should be flawless, as this is how they expect you to communicate with both colleagues and clients during your time with them.


Computer programming may be viewed as a skill that just a few IT experts in an organisation need to acquire. However, even a basic understanding of computer programming may come in handy if you’re seeking to create a new application that will help your department process data more efficiently.

Knowing even basic computer programming can help you see what’s possible and how to get started on this project, allowing you to work more effectively with the company’s IT department to create a more complex system that meets your needs.


The ability to manage multiple activities at once, as well as the flexibility to work in a continually changing environment, management, and rules, is highly prized. 

In today’s world, a job description is quite fluid and can alter at any time. A person who is willing to work in a range of changing environments is in high demand.

Being able to transition from one working set to the next, or even from one sort of job to the next, is a huge asset. It demonstrates a person’s commitment to the firm and can help them develop in their career.

Creating a network

Networking is the practice of establishing relationships with like-minded professionals who could become possible partners, investors, and more. Finding the perfect time, or method, to speak with someone you don’t know in order to let them know about what you represent and what you have to offer might be difficult for a newcomer. As a result, developing a strong network can help you gain access to more chances while also boosting your confidence.

Digital knowledge

It has become critical to understand the digital environment in order to be prepared for a career. In India, digital literacy is on the rise, with the number predicted to increase by 18 percent to 536 million by 2020.

Given the present pandemic situation, every company has opted for digital working, and it is becoming clear that more technological improvement will be seen in the near future, making it critical to have a working knowledge of technology. The digital world is the new criterion for determining your eligibility for a decent job.

You are digitally literate if you know how to develop online material, manage your own social media accounts, have ideas for how to edit text, image, and video, create and curate information, and have a thorough understanding of MS-office, among other things.

Curiosity when it comes to learning and exploration

Curiosity to study and explore is one of the most vital abilities for future professions. Because our future is limitless, there is no limit to what workers will need to study in the future. Employers are searching for well-balanced employees with transferrable skills and the ability to grow and develop, and education is no longer restricted to what is taught in schools and institutions. 

Be open to remote working options, take advantage of training and mentoring opportunities, and concentrate on your continuous professional development while you’re at home, since you’ll likely become better at what you do and more valuable to your present or future employer.

Emotional intelligence/Self-education

Self-knowledge is the ability to comprehend yourself, think objectively, and rationally grasp everything around you, whereas emotional intelligence is the ability to develop and strengthen the human psyche via learning and practising new abilities. Before applying for a job, you must first gain a thorough understanding of yourself, including your skills and limitations. When a worker understands himself, he or she can make necessary adjustments and operate at their best.

Entrepreneurship and self-employable skills

Entrepreneurship and self-employment are two terms that are often used interchangeably. According to the Economic Survey 2019-20, India is placed third in entrepreneurship because the number of new businesses has increased considerably in India since 2014. If you have the desire to take responsibility for producing ideas, a self-driven work mentality, becoming inspired to work, taking risks, taking responsibility and ownership of your work, seeing things from a different viewpoint, and generating ideas that can help you and your company flourish. These abilities may help youth become more self-sufficient and prepared to handle any job-related obstacles.

Marketing and Sales

No matter what function you play in a company, understanding the ideas and practices of promoting, presenting, and selling products and services is critical. You may be presented with an opportunity to advertise your firm and its products or services to people you encounter at any moment.

It could be as simple as telling a friend or acquaintance about them, or it could be in a more formal setting where you are called in for a meeting or project. A basic understanding of marketing strategy, as well as a variety of sales strategies and sales management systems, may be useful.

Check out this free certification course on marketing foundation that provides an understanding of concepts such as marketing mix, marketing strategy, and the product life cycle.

Time Management

Time management refers to using your time productively and efficiently. It is critical to prioritise work, grasp the relevance of work, and comprehend the urgency and value of work in relation to time to work efficiently. Employers desire employees that work consistently, effectively, and efficiently, thus time management is critical to increasing productivity.

 Ability to organize, plan and prioritize work

As simple as it may appear, someone who can demonstrate the ability to plan and organise their work is quite useful. Pay close attention to how you arrange your duties and make sure you meet all of the deadlines you’ve been assigned.

An employee who can stick to specified deadlines and produce information quickly and easily demonstrates that he or she is always on top of things and can be counted on to perform the required work or information. Similarly, knowing which activities to prioritise and which to postpone is a valuable talent.

 Skills for leadership and management

The ability to manage others is a highly valuable skill. You can not only motivate others to do the right thing, but you can also guide them and track their progress along the road. In today’s business, being able to lead a group and manage these folks in a way that does not obstruct their advancement or disrespect their judgement is extremely valued.

Analytical thinking and innovation

When a project fails a day before the deadline, we are prone to despair and give up. Instead of succumbing to despair, some people would assess the remaining time, the specific challenge at hand, and the available solutions for completing the assignment in the best possible way. As an alternative to traditional thinking, this skill refers to the ability to detect problems and develop creative solutions.

It is critical to have managers that understand how to lead and manage their teams in a way that allows all employees to develop their own ideas. In today’s workplace, demonstrating excellent management/leadership abilities is a significant benefit.

Ace at multitasking

In theory, when someone is offered a job, the contract should include a work description. Employees, on the other hand, are not required to do solely what is specified in their job description.

On the contrary, they are expected to become involved in other aspects of the company, grasp all of the processes, and offer assistance when needed. Employers, at the end of the day, want someone who is willing to try new things, wear numerous hats at once, work on a variety of projects and persons, and make more than one sole contribution to the organisation at a time.

 Creativity, inventiveness, and initiative

These qualities give organisations a competitive advantage in the post-pandemic era. In dealing with new issues, inventiveness and coming up with a creative idea, bringing in varied thinking and fresh perspectives, and having the will to put an idea into action are all necessary.

Public Speaking

Why is it that people who excel at memorising facts, solving hard arithmetic problems, or reciting Shakespearean plays don’t usually fare well in the corporate world? Why is it that when they have to argue a case in front of a crowd, they flush and lose their cool?

Public speaking is an extremely important skill to have, and it needs a great deal of self-assurance, practice, and audience analysis. Even if it comes naturally to certain people, it is undeniably a skill that can be developed and is highly valued by companies.

Accepting criticism and learning from it

If a person has a positive attitude toward feedback, it might be assumed that he or she is eager to learn. Everyone, regardless of age or experience, is always learning at work, and one should always be open to new information that might help them improve their skills and abilities.

Jobs are continuously changing and evolving, and employees at all levels should demonstrate that they are open to growing and learning, whether through new experiences, training, or listening to and learning from criticism.

What does it mean to learn different skills while working?

Learning skills on the job involved developing a skill or expanding one’s knowledge while at work. During the on-boarding process, most workers will pick up certain skills on the job, while some may require intensive training in job-specific technical abilities. In the workplace, you can learn new skills by doing tasks, shadowing others, or taking advantage of professional development opportunities. While you may have a specific skill objective in mind for your employment, many people build their talents by just doing their job and searching for methods to advance their careers.

Top Skills to Learn in 2022

The biggest fight for new graduates is to understand what they know and what an employer wants. The degree provides you set of skills but it is only a small part you know. So if you are starting your career and want to make your career in the market place then you need to learn top skills that can help you in making money, gaining knowledge and learning marketplace skills.

With every passing year, the technology is changing rapidly and current jobs are getting automated or obsolete which makes people learn new in-demand skills as per the marketplace requirement to survive in their jobs. As per the World Economic Forum, 50% of employees may need to upskill themselves by 2025 to remain relevant in their job roles.

Here are some top employable skills for the year 2022 for which organizations are looking to add people to their workforce.

  1. Data Science: Today companies like Google, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, etc are so powerful. This is because of the amount of data they process regularly. It is impossible to imagine the job market without Data scientists. The Data Scientist is needed in almost every sector, such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, logistic, etc. The role of a Data Scientist is to collect, evaluate and process the data of their company or department to gain valuable insights into their business. This analysis is used to make decisions and run marketing campaigns that help businesses to grow.

To make a career as a Data Scientist, the candidate must have a good skill set in programming languages, mathematics, and statistics. Also, the candidate should have the ability to understand the business contexts and problems.

Check out our free data science course and update your skills.

  1. Artificial Intelligence: If data is the new oil, then “AI is the new electricity”, according to the computer scientist Dr Andrew Ng. With the growth in data AI is becoming a more popular, broader and deeper concept in every industry. The use of Artificial Intelligence is increasing day by day. Such as in healthcare AI surgical robots are used for medical diagnosis, in e-commerce Amazon uses AI applications for demand forecasting, in the manufacturing industry AI robots are used to perform repetitive tasks and many more. Not only this, AI is used in facial recognition, self-driving car, chatbots, voice recognition, etc.

To make a career in AI, a person must have strong fundamentals in programming, software design, statistics, etc. There are lots of career opportunities in the field of AI, some of them are AI Data Analyst, AI Engineer, Big Data Engineer, AI Developer, Business Intelligence Developer, etc.

Link for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) course :

  1. Sales and Marketing: Sales and Marketing refer to promoting, buying and selling goods and services. The marketing process involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing goods and services to customers, clients, partners and society. An organization may be associated with different types of marketing such as influencer marketing, keyword marketing, viral marketing, affiliated marketing, relationship marketing, inbound and outbound marketing, and many more. 

Mostly all Organizations and company sales and marketing departments promote and sell their brands and products, so there are many opportunities in the field of sales and marketing like Marketing Manager, Senior Marketing Manager, Business Development Associate, Advertising and Promotions Manager, Marketing Research Analyst, Sales Manager, Marketing Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist, Product and Brand Manager, etc. 

The scope of marketing is expanding due to the advancement of technologies that are helping organizations and companies to connect with clients all over the globe.

Link for the Marketing course:

  1. Cloud Computing: With the rapid increase in data the demand for Cloud is also increasing day by day because the Cloud not only handle the data storage but also helps to recover and protect the data from any loss or damage. Cloud computing refers to the on-demand availability of computing services such as storage, database, servers, networks, software, etc over the internet i.e., the cloud. Cloud offers faster, more economical, secure, available and flexible services for your environment. Due to this most, companies and organizations are shifting to cloud services from their on-premise data centres. This will open many job opportunities for skilled cloud professionals. There are many cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Platform, Alibaba Cloud Platform, etc.

The scope of cloud computing is very vast and there are lots of job opportunities in the Cloud Computing field like Cloud Engineer, Cloud Architect, Security Engineer, Cloud Research Analyst, Cloud DevOps Engineer, Cloud Developer, etc. The Cloud services are used from small startups to global giant’s organizations because of their benefits and ease of managing and developing applications and services.

Link for the Cloud Computing course :

  1. Digital Marketing : Digital Marketing is a way of promoting brands, products or services through the internet or other forms of digital media and connecting them with potential customers. With the help of digital marketing, companies use to advertise their products or services through social media, emails, websites, search engines, and many other platforms. Digital marketing helps organizations to analyze campaigns, strategies and content to understand what things are working in real-time.

Digital marketing has lots of scopes like SEO Manager, Content Strategist, Social Media Manager, Content Marketing Manager, etc. The future of digital marketing seems bright. As a digital marketer, you should be good in advertising, creativity, written communication skills, analytical abilities, google analytics, digital marketing tools, performance monitoring, etc. Many companies and organizations are using artificial intelligence (AI) and digital personal assistants in social media marketing campaigns. It will create new opportunities and higher pay for a right candidate.

Link for the Digital Marketing course:

  1. Cybersecurity: The rise in digitalization of private and public industries is also making a rise in malicious cyber attacks. Now organizations and employees are working remotely on different networks. According to a report, 533 million Facebook users’ data was exposed in different countries, while 700 million LinkedIn users data was posted on the Dark web for sales during the Data breach in June 2021.

These are the top reason why cyber security is one of the important skills in 2022. Cyber security professionals can help an organization prevent cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks on data, networks or computers. Application security and cloud security are two important and fastest-growing fields in the cyber security area. The candidate needs to have the knowledge of updating and implementing strategies to avoid cyber security threats     

Link for the Cyber Security course:

The market is constantly changing and new tools and technology are taking place frequently. These are some best free online skills based courses that can increase your likelihood of success. Great Learning offers 700+ free online courses in multiple domains. It is important to know and understand that what skill you should know to stay secure in your job role.


There will definitely be a large range of skills that employers will find beneficial. Each of us has our own set of abilities, and as a result, we can each contribute something unique to any organization. It’s critical to understand how to recognise and apply your abilities.

One of the most valuable qualities you can contribute to any organization is an open mind and a willingness to accept new ideas.

0 Source: GreatLearning Blog

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