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HomeHealth8 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mother & Baby

8 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mother & Baby

Contributed by: Anjali Sharma


Are you considering not choosing to breastfeed your baby? Hold on and think again. 

For newborns, breast milk is the best source of nutrients. It is readily accessible, quickly digested, and has the correct amount of nutrients. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests maintaining exclusive breastfeeding after the first six months, even if solid meals are given until the child is at least one year old or until both the mother and the child are ready to stop.

The benefits of breastfeeding last for at least two years, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). For the greatest advantages, these organisations advise beginning as soon as an hour after delivery.

Let’s go through all the advantages for both mother and the baby before you make a decision.

Advantages of breastfeeding for a mother 

Helps you lose post-pregnancy weight 

Other than the nutritional benefits for the child, breastfeeding also helps you lose pregnancy weight.

Lactating mothers have an easier time reducing pregnancy weight in a healthy way, that is, steadily and without dieting, because milk production burns roughly 300 to 500 calories per day. 

Helps the uterus to shrink back to pre-pregnancy size

Your uterus increases in size significantly throughout pregnancy, going from the size of a pear to nearly taking up the whole area of your belly.

Your uterus undergoes a process known as involution after birth that aids in its resizing back to its pre-pregnancy size. This process is aided by the pregnancy-related rise in the hormone oxytocin.

During labour, your body produces large levels of oxytocin to aid in delivery and lessen bleeding. You may feel closer to your new baby as a result of it.

Breastfeeding causes a rise in oxytocin as well. It promotes uterine contractions and lessens bleeding, which aids in the uterus expanding back to its original size.

Additionally, studies have demonstrated that mothers who breastfeed experience less postpartum blood loss and uterine involution that is more rapid.

Lowers the risk of osteoporosis

According to health research, the process through which women’s bones calcify after breastfeeding lowers the risk of osteoporosis and postmenopausal hip and spinal fractures.

Gives you a strong feeling of motherhood 

This is the advantage of nursing highly mentioned by parents. During a breastfeeding session, you and the infant express affection to one another through glances, sounds, and embraces. 

Being a parent and watching your child develop and feeding just on your breast milk is empowering and emotionally connecting.

Reduces the risk of postpartum depression 

According to a study, in comparison to women who weren’t nursing at the time of the research, breastfeeding women had a statistically significant decreased risk of postpartum depression (PPD). Women’s PPD decreased as their breastfeeding duration rose.

Advantages of breastfeeding for a baby

Breast milk provides the required nutrition for a baby

The majority of medical experts advise nursing exclusively for at least six months and preferably much longer.

Everything a newborn requires in the appropriate amounts for the first six months of life is present in breast milk.

In fact, it’s made up of different nutrients depending on the baby’s changing demands, especially in the first month of life.

Reduces the risk of viruses, gastroenteritis and ENT infections

As per many medical observations, breastfed newborns had lower rates of pneumonia, colds, and viruses.

This is so that your baby will be protected after birth thanks to the high antibody content in the breast milk.

In addition to pneumonia and lower respiratory tract infections, formula-fed newborns are more prone than breastfed infants to getting ENT infections.

Breast milk ensures the healthy weight of the baby 

Breastfeeding helps reduce childhood obesity and encourages healthy weight gain.

According to many paediatricians, breastfeeding for more than 4 months significantly lowers the likelihood that a baby will become overweight or obese.

This could be brought on by the diversification of gut microorganisms. Beneficial gut bacteria are more prevalent in breastfed newborns, which may have an impact on how fat is stored.

Breastfed babies are better at eating only until they are full, which aids in the development of wholesome eating habits. After they grow young their appetite and metabolism become strong.

Final thoughts

It’s not only the child who is benefitted through breastfeeding but the mother is also equally benefited.

Many new mothers are always confused to opt for breastfeeding because of the hectic schedule and poor work-life balance.

Here we have clearly mentioned the advantages of choosing to breastfeed their child. 

There are countless benefits of breastfeeding which are acknowledged by doctors and health researchers.

Breast milk includes antibodies and other components that shield your baby from illness and chronic disease.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!


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