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HomeHealthThe top fertility treatments you must know about

The top fertility treatments you must know about

While most would think getting pregnant is easy, it isn’t. There can be a lot of complications that prevent couples from conceiving. If you are one of them and have been trying for over a year to conceive but to no avail, it’s time you should get medical intervention. 

It’s very likely that you cannot conceive because of a complication that needs to be fixed. Thankfully, as technology is advancing, there are various fertility treatments you can try if conceiving via sexual intercourse fails due to ovulatory disorders, low sperm counts or any other reason that may cause infertility. 

Today, in this blog post, we will be exploring some of the popular fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technologies you can undergo. 

In-Vitro Fertilisation

We are certain that you knew it was coming. After all, it is one of the most common fertility treatments that couples undergo.

The procedure involves the collection of mature eggs retrieved from ovaries, following which they are fertilised by sperms in a lab.

During IVF, mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilised by sperm in a lab. Then the fertilised egg is transferred to the uterus. 

The procedure is one of the most effective forms of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure uses either a couple’s own eggs and sperm or uses those of an anonymous/ known donor. Sometimes, a gestational carrier can also be used. A gestational carrier can be a female who has an embryo implanted in the uterus. 

While IVF is an effective medical procedure, the chances of delivering a healthy baby depend on various factors, including the cause of infertility and age. 

The procedure can be a long and exhausting one, not to mention expensive. It also runs the risk of multiple pregnancies (twins and triplets). Multiple pregnancies happen when multiple embryos are transferred to the uterus. 

IVF treatments should be the last resort when all other alternatives don’t work for you. Additionally, patients who suffer from fallopian tube damage, moderate/ severe endometriosis, pelvic adhesions and severe male infertility factor, should opt for the treatment. Women who have a short time to conceive or reduced ovarian reserve should go for the treatment. 

Ovarian Stimulation Medications

One of the main causes of infertility is hormonal imbalance. When hormonal processes are caused due to PCOS, PID uterine fibroids, certain parts of the reproductive organs can perform differently than how they should. Being a low-severity issue, hormone imbalances can be corrected.

They can be fixed using ovarian stimulation medications. These medications can help bring regularity and predictability to their monthly cycles and improve their odds of getting pregnant. 

Intrauterine Insemination

Being a less invasive procedure, it can be tried by couples before going for IVF treatments. It’s most commonly opted to treat infertility with a male factor. 

The procedure involves direct injection of sperm into the uterus to increase the chances of pregnancy. The treatment is ideal for couples consisting of a female with a healthy reproductive system and a male with low sperm count. 

Intrauterine insemination uses a thin flexible tube called an insemination catheter to inject the sperm sample into the uterus. The female partner is usually required to undergo two treatments after consuming hormone medications. 

Even though it is a mild procedure, the success rates are high during the first attempts. However, age and the number of attempts matter in the success of the procedure. 


Sometimes, certain growths or adhesions can prevent pregnancy in females. In this case, laparoscopy can be used to increase the chances of getting pregnant. It is an outpatient procedure that uses a narrow optic scope to detect the existence of any cysts, adhesions, fibroids, or damage to the reproductive organs. Accordingly, treatments are recommended that fix the issue and increase the female’s ability to conceive. 

Closing thoughts 

The choice of fertility treatment must be made by each patient after consultation with their fertility specialist. Fortunately, the realm of fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technologies have revolutionised the possibilities for individuals and couples struggling with infertility. The field continues to advance at a rapid pace, offering new hope to those desiring to start or expand their families. While these treatments may present challenges and ethical considerations, they undeniably provide a path to parenthood for many individuals.

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