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HomeLawPolicy Formulation Competition 2022 by CSRLD, KIIT Deemed to be University :...

Policy Formulation Competition 2022 by CSRLD, KIIT Deemed to be University [Apr 9-10]: Register by Mar 20

The School of Law, KIIT Deemed to be University is organizing a Policy Formulation Competition 2022, to be held on April 9 & 10, 2022.

About School of law, KIIT Deemed to be University

The School of Law, since its establishment in 2007, has been acknowledged and appreciated for providing quality legal education and legal skills training to students drawn from across the nation and abroad.

About the Competition

The policy formulation competition seeks to instill the importance and understanding of legislative drafting among the students of law and other fields.  This competition will give the participants a fair knowledge about how policies are formulated and make them think critically and creatively. It encourages them to come up with innovative policies and contribute to the development of frameworks to overcome the challenges.

Students will be required to formulate a policy on any one of the following themes;


  • Policy on Soil Conservation
  • Policy on National Urban Employment Guarantee
  • Policy on National human-animal conflict compensation
  • Policy on Cryptocurrency

Competition Structure

  • The competition shall be conducted virtually; the technology platform will be informed via email after the registration process.
  • The registered participants are required to submit their draft proposals in a Google form link provided by the organizers.
  • The competition shall consist of two rounds i.e Qualification Round and Presentation Round.

Round 1: Qualification Round

  • Participants are expected to submit a detailed policy statement based on the topic selected in the registration process.
  • A maximum of one Co-Participant (Team of 2) is allowed for taking part in competition although the same shall be mentioned in the registration form. Participants can register individually. Inter-institutional teams are also allowed.
  • An internal faculty committee will select top 20 policy drafts eligible for presentation.

Round 2: Presentation Round

  • The 20 qualified Participants will be required to present their policies in front of a panel. They will be required to prepare a power-point presentation and 30 mins to be allotted for each team to present their policy before the Judges. Each team will have 15 mins to present followed by a 15-minute question-answer session from the judges.
  • The sessions will be held on April 9th & 10th, 2022. The timings for the sessions will be communicated to the selected participants.
  • Participants must adhere to formatting and structural guidelines.

Registration Fee for Selected Participants for Presentation

The 20 selected participants will be required to pay a nominal registration fee to appear in the presentation rounds. After payment, participants are to send a confirmation of the same to the designated mail addresses.

  • Single participant: Rs.150
  • Group Participant (Max- 2): Rs.250

Guidelines Regarding Structure of Policy

The policy must be submitted in the following structure:

  • Policy Title – A short and simple title apt with the body of the submission.
  • Introduction
    • Statement of Problem – A concise statement of the problem/issue which the policy seeks to deal with. Participants can formulate a policy on any issue under the themes provided.
    • Objectives – Participants are required to provide the objectives which the policy seeks to achieve.
  • Framework (main body)
    • Stakeholder- A brief note on the stakeholders associated with the policy I.e which sections of the society will be affected by the policy.
    • Strategy- This part lays down the plan of the action which refers to the detailed procedures that will be recommended in order to carry out the intent of the policy. In this portion, participants have to specify how they intend to implement the policy I.e. what are the measures they  deem to be suitable to carry out the policy. It is necessary that instead of broad/abstract steps,  the specific measures must be mentioned by the participants which they would deem to be suitable.
    • Viability of the policy- In this portion, the participants would have to analyse the of feasibility of the policy from a legal, social, and economic perspective.
  • Conclusion

Submission Guidelines

  • Format of file – PDF format
  • Font – Times New Roman
  • Font Size – 12 (Text), 10 (Footnote)
  • Margins – One-inch margin on all sides
  • Line spacing – 1.5 (Text), Single (Footnote)
  • Citation Style: Bluebook 20th Edition
  • Word Limit: Full Paper: 2000-4000 words (excluding footnotes).
  • Language –  English only

Other Guidelines

  • All submissions must be original and unpublished work of the author/s and should not have been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
  • Co-authorship of entries among individuals from the same or different institutions is allowed. Multiple entries by the same authors are not allowed.
  • Drafts will pass through internal committee team review and acceptance will be subject to the report of the committee review team. Submissions not meeting the requirements mentioned will not be reviewed.
  • The Internal Committee reserves the rights to accept and reject the submissions at any stage of the review. The decision of the organizers regarding selection of the papers shall be final.
  • Requests for in-absentia presentations shall not be entertained.
  • Submission must be accompanied with a short bio of the author/s (It should include name of the author/s, occupation, designation & name of the institution, email id, mobile phone no and contact address, title of the paper). The bio should be in a separate document. Participants would have to mention the theme under which they are preparing the policy.
  • The copyright for all entries shall vest with the organizers who herewith reserve the right to modify the contributions as per the requirements of necessity.


All participants will receive an e-certificate which shall be sent by the organizers.

Winners would be receiving cash price in the following manner:

  • Winner: ₹5000
  • 1st Runner up: ₹4000
  • 2nd Runner up: ₹2000

Important Dates

  • Registration by: March 20, 2022
  • Last date to seek clarification: March 23, 2022
  • Release of Clarification: March 25, 2022
  • Submission date for policies: March 27, 2022
  • Presentation Sessions: April 9, 2022
  • Declaration of Results and Valedictory session: April 10, 2022

Contact Information

Faculty Coordinators:

Ms. Tulishree Pradhan, Faculty -In-Charge Centre for Study & Research in Legislative Drafting

Ms. Shreyasi Bhattacharya, Co-Faculty-In-Charge, Centre for Study & Research in Legislative Drafting

Student Coordinators

  • Aparna Mallik (Covernor)
    • Email:
  • Sartak Singh (Co-convenor)
    • Email: 

Click here to register for the competition.

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Source: Lawctopus

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