Managing personal finances can often feel like you’re drowning in numbers and deadlines. With every bill that arrives, every unexpected expense, it feels like you’re constantly catching up. Additionally, balancing savings, spendings, and planning for the future can leave us exhausted.
Understanding this sentiment, Aditya Birla Capital Digital (ABCD) has teamed up with the iconic desi rapper Baba Sehgal to launch the brand’s #EasyBreezyABCD music video campaign. Released on December 12th, the campaign blends entertainment with financial education, reflecting ABCD’s mission to simplify personal finance. Moreover, through the #EasyBreezyABCD campaign, the brand aims to amplify its app’s unique value proposition with Baba Sehgal’s offering a fresh approach to promoting financial services.
Launched in April 2024, the ABCD app has gained recognition in the financial services space, offering an integrated platform featuring investments, insurance, loans, and more, all accessible through an easy-to-use interface. Moreover, through the brand’s catchy music video, it leverages nostalgia to capture the audience’s attention while positioning the ABCD app as the ultimate solution for effortless financial management.
As a result, the #EasyBreezyABCD music video has resonated with audiences. Here are some key highlights from the campaign:
- Reach: The campaign garnered around 12 million views and 79 thousand likes on Instagram.
- #EasyBreezyABCD Challenge on Josh: Over 100 million views along with 5 thousand likes.
- Digital Amplification: Paid promotions and meme-driven content across Instagram and YouTube, ensuring widespread appeal.
Consequently, the music video’s entertaining yet informative approach aligned with ABCD’s vision to simplify financial management for every Indian. By combining engaging content with practical solutions, the campaign has set new benchmarks for creative marketing in the financial services industry. Moreover, as the #EasyBreezyABCD campaign grows, it shows us how financial management doesn’t have to feel like a struggle.