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HomeLawCall for Editors by Indian Constitutional Law Review: Apply by Nov 25

Call for Editors by Indian Constitutional Law Review: Apply by Nov 25

Indian Constitutional Law Review is inviting applications from eligible candidates for Editors by November 25, 2022.


Indian Constitutional Law Review (ICLRQ) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published by Harbinger. ICLRQ is published with the intention to promote and contribute to the growth of Constitutionalism in India.

It revolves around the issues pertaining to the wide sphere of Constitutional Law and within its array, covers all areas of law through its interactions with them.

Call for Editors

ICLRQ calls for editors amongst law students who are interested in the area of constitutional law, administrative law and comparative constitution to apply for the editorship of Indian Constitutional Law Review.

The editorial work would involve a combination of administrative tasks, editorial tasks relating to handling and editing of manuscripts received from authors and review work by senior editorial members elected on the Peer Review Board.

Editors are extended a nominal stipend for every quarter / every two quarters which may either be in the form of a voucher or cash. Best performing editors would be recognized and extended a higher cash prize for every quarter or two quarters, as determined by the Managing Editors.


Any undergraduate, graduate student or doctoral student is eligible to be a member of the editorial board of Indian Constitutional Law Review. The candidate must demonstrate an interest in constitutional, administrative or related areas of law and must commit to the aims and objectives of the journal.

Selection Process

There is a two-tiered selection process based on the screening of candidates based on submissions and telephonically interviewing shortlisted candidates briefly pursuant to the screening or providing the shortlisted candidates with a timed-response test.

Submission Deadline

November 25, 2022

Contact Information

In case of any queries, please contact info[at]

Click here to apply

Source: Lawctopus

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