Monday, June 3, 2024
HomeLawState is averse to bringing skeletons out of closet: Delhi court on...

State is averse to bringing skeletons out of closet: Delhi court on government opposing probe into MCD funds embezzlement

The court further noted that “as if bound by an oath of omerta,” the Additional Public Prosecutor in the case was attempting to make an all out effort to negate the attempt of the trial court to “remove the stink”. 

The state instead of supporting the efforts to clean the rot went on to appoint a special public prosecutor to oppose the directions of the trial court. The approach of the state is really unfortunate, to say the least,” underlined the order.

The court, therefore, directed a senior police officer to ensure a fair probe while requesting the trial court to monitor the investigation into the allegations against senior public servants. 

The contention of the counsel of the complainant that there is something more than meets the eye, seems to bear force. Evidently, the allegations are against senior officers of MCD and the matter pertains to the year 2017-2018, therefore, I deem it appropriate that the matter needs to be brought to the notice of higher echelons of Delhi police,” directed the court. 

Source: Barandbench

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