Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeLawMCQs on the Code of Criminal Procedure

MCQs on the Code of Criminal Procedure [Redirects to CLATalogue]


1. Which of the following is not a primary objective of the Criminal Procedure Code?

a) Protecting the rights of the accused
b) Ensuring fair trial procedures
c) Speedy disposal of cases
d) Preventing crime

2. What is the first step in the criminal justice process?

a) Filing a police complaint
b) Arresting the suspect
c) Investigation
d) Conducting a trial

3. Which court has the power to issue search warrants?

a) Supreme Court
b) High Court
c) District Court
d) Magistrate Court

4. What does “bail” refer to in the context of criminal procedure?

a) Monetary compensation paid to the victim
b) Release of the accused from custody pending trial
c) Fine imposed on the offender
d) Rehabilitation program for the accused

5. Under the Criminal Procedure Code, a person can be arrested without a warrant in which situation?

a) If the person is suspected of a serious offense
b) If the police suspect the person
c) If the person is a public figure
d) If the person refuses to cooperate with the police

6. What is the purpose of a charge sheet?

a) Listing the charges against the accused
b) Requesting bail for the accused
c) Presenting evidence against the accused
d) Summarizing the case for the defense

7.Who has the authority to grant bail to an accused person?

a) Investigating officer
b) Public prosecutor
c) Defense attorney
d) Court

8. What is the maximum period of detention allowed for police custody without a court order?

a) 12 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 48 hours
d) 72 hours

9. What is the purpose of a plea bargain?

a) To reduce the charges against the accused
b) To negotiate a lower sentence for the accused
c) To dismiss the case against the accused
d) To compensate the victim financially

10. In which situation can a witness be declared hostile?

a) When the witness refuses to testify
b) When the witness contradicts their earlier statement
c) When the witness is biased against the accused
d) When the witness is related to the accused

11. What is the purpose of a cross-examination during a trial?

a) To establish the credibility of the witness
b) To question the competence of the judge
c) To challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution
d) To provide an opportunity for the accused to confess

12.What is meant by the term “double jeopardy”?

a) The accused being tried for two separate crimes
b) The accused facing trial in two different courts
c) The accused being prosecuted twice for the same offense
d) The accused being sentenced to two different penalties

13. What is the purpose of a remand order?

a) To transfer the case to a different court
b) To release the accused on bail
c) To extend the period of police custody
d) To appoint a new judge for the trial

14. Who has the authority to issue a summons to a witness during a trial?

a) Investigating officer
b) Defense attorney
c) Public prosecutor
d) Judge

15. Bail is provided under which of the following provisions of CrPC?

a) Section 427
b) Section 436
c) Section 435
d) Section 456


  1. d
  2. c
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a
  7. d
  8. b
  9. b
  10. b
  11. a
  12. c
  13. c
  14. d
  15. b

Source: Lawctopus

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