Sunday, September 29, 2024
HomeLawThe Obiter Truth: About a matter

The Obiter Truth: About a matter

I can’t tell you what I made of the file, because I didn’t make much of it. All I know is that when Wee Willie Winkie came to town in his night gown, he discovered there was no urgency in the plaint. The prayer clause at page 5 sought no order of injunction so a short adjournment wouldn’t wake the sleeping children from their beds. This ending greatly distressed the listener, who wailed profusely on my shoulder until 5:00 AM the next morning. Six hours later, his lordship seemed to share his disappointment. COVID has long gone, he grumbled, why are you still appearing via VC? I am on leave, your lordship, I said sheepishly, and there is no urgency in the plaint. At this point, the plaintiff’s counsel leapt to his feet with an animation I’d never seen in him before. Congratulations congratulations, he danced about a bit before bringing his fist down on the table with a thud, but my lord, the matter is most urgent. Three months is just too long! His lordship agreed: take one month if you must. But, but, I protested, the opposing counsel knows I won’t be ready by then! It sounded childish. Like Wee Willie Winkie, his lordship peered at me with a key-hole vision. Aren’t you concerned for your matter?

Source: Barandbench

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