Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeHealthFatigue: 6 Energy-Boosting Foods To Supercharge Your Day (Part 2)

Fatigue: 6 Energy-Boosting Foods To Supercharge Your Day (Part 2)

Contributed by: Rachana Arya


If you often find yourself waking up most mornings feeling tired and low on energy, have a good look at your diet – your body may be trying to tell you something.

To cope with the body’s nutritional requirements, it is imperative to consume healthy foods. 

Various power-packed foods — from sweet potatoes to bananas — can help take you from sleepy to supercharged!

In this second and concluding part, we will examine 6 ‘fueling’ foods to beat fatigue — foods that can help you feel energetic and maintain your alertness and focus throughout the day. Take a peek at some foods for a burst of natural energy!

Check out the first part of the article.


Mushrooms are great for mitigating muscular fatigue, boosting energy levels, and reducing tiredness.

They are extremely high in protein and fibre, and they replenish critical nutrients in the body.

They protect the mitochondria, which are the cells’ powerhouses. They also help the adrenal glands, which helps to fight fatigue.

Mushrooms can be added to salads, sandwiches, or eaten as a snack on their own.


Beans are excellent anti-fatigue food, thanks to that ideal trio of fibre, carbs, and protein.

They are high in fibre, which helps to keep blood sugar levels stable and prevents sugar spikes and dips.

Beans also contain magnesium (close to a third of your recommended daily intake in a cup), which helps to relax the body so the body can rest and restore energy.

Kidney beans, cluster beans, normal French beans, and garbanzo beans are among the varieties available. They’re great as a snack or in a curry.


Bananas are one of the world’s cheapest and most widely available energy sources.

They are one of the most effective foods for defeating fatigue. They’re loaded with complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B-six, all of which support heart health as well as boost energy levels.

The quick on-the-go snack fruit is easy on the wallet and a healthier alternative to the other processed food in the market. Make a smoothie with it or add it to a milkshake to reap double the benefits.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato is a starchy root vegetable that is rich in carbohydrates, fibres, minerals and vitamins.

Sweet potato is also super versatile — it is a healthier alternative to potatoes and includes a lot of fibre and potassium.

Potassium assists the body by maintaining electrolyte balance and decreasing blood pressure.

No matter how you cook sweet potatoes (boiled, steamed, fried or grilled), they always taste awesome and provide all the nutrients.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are energy powerhouses that are high in healthy fats and fibre.

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain and heart health, and the delightful trait of these tiny seeds is that they are high in them.

Chia seeds are also high in magnesium, which has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of excessive weariness and stress.


If you are feeling way too tired or lack the energy to carry out your day to day activities, reach for the eggs in your fridge.

In addition to their high-quality protein content, eggs are also rich in choline, which means steady and sustained mental alertness.

Eggs are a great source of all the nutrients that the body needs, including iron, choline, vitamin D, and vitamin B-12.

Final thoughts

When it comes to kicking fatigue to the curb, some basic diet-related modifiable behaviours can help you maintain your energy levels during the day and feel better.

So, next time you’re tempted to reach for a Red Bull or pop in multivitamins, remember that nutritious whole foods and beverages are the actual real deal for fighting the endless battle with fatigue. 

Follow the below general diet tips for energy:

    • Avoid skipping meals
    • Eat an afternoon or morning snack, such as a handful of almonds, if energy levels dip
    • Stick to recommended daily calories intakes
    • Staying hydrated with water or other nutritious drinks

Furthermore, opt for preventive health checkups. These health checks provide you with a comprehensive insight into your health, allowing you to take necessary precautions to maintain your overall well-being.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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