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HomeDigital MarketingMarketing a HealthTech brand: Tushar Vashisht speaks about the HealthifyMe strategy

Marketing a HealthTech brand: Tushar Vashisht speaks about the HealthifyMe strategy

HealthifyMe – HealthTech brand, recently onboarded Sara Ali Khan as their brand ambassador. Tushar Vashisht from the brand team shares how this move fits in with their overall marketing strategy & which marketing platforms yield the best results

Keeping wellness and holistic living at its core, HealthifyMe came into being back in 2012. As the brand continues to bring additional services, including an AI trainer, HealthifymMe recently brought Sara Ali Khan on board as their official brand ambassador.

Tushar Vashisht, CEO & Co-founder, HealthifyMe shares more.

Behind ‘It’s Time To Healthify’ Campaign x Sara Ali Khan Connect

New Year is usually the time when everyone wants to start afresh, especially when it comes to health. Leveraging this insight, HealthifyMe released its campaign of ‘It’s time to Healthify’ to become the best version of ‘You’ in 2022. 

According to Vashisht, the brand witnessed a surge in organic interest in HealthifyMe during the time of New Year as a lot of consumers focused on diet, fitness, and healthy weight loss.

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The brand roped in Sara Ali Khan as their ambassador, in line with her own weight-loss journey. As a part of the campaign, she narrates the inspirational journeys of four users including Rashi, Priyanka, Srikanth, and Krishan, who healthified themselves with some help from the app.

The campaign is aimed at motivating anyone who is making efforts at healthifying themselves. Vashisht, explains, “Sara Ali Khan was the perfect choice for us to consider in this campaign because of her PCOD and weight loss journey in the past. She understands the struggle that most people go through, and hence, was the ideal brand ambassador to bring this campaign to life.”

“Our aim with this campaign is to inform users who are considering their Health this 2022 to find their reason and choose HealthifyMe to help them fulfill it”, he added.

Marketing Strategy & The Media Mix

According to the brand, Health & Fitness, as a category, usually thrives on massive word of mouth. In terms of core marketing media channels, HealthifyMe continues to be a digital-first brand.

Vashisht shared, “Digital is and will continue to be a high reach and high ROI channel for us. We are looking to do a multimillion-dollar campaign in 2022 across all media.”

With their latest campaign, the brand adopted a 360-degree approach that included traditional media channels like OOH, Print, and TV. Other than these, HealthifyMe initiated OOH activations in key cities to measure efficacy against the baseline and historical data. “However, with Omicron-related shutdowns, we might choose to reconsider these spends going forward”, pointed Vashisht.

Success Stories and Testimonials have also played a key role in further building the brand salience. The brand leverages, both, paid and organic digital media channels that include Facebook, Google, YouTube, amongst others to deploy these tactics. Through testimonials, the brand aims to activate the stages of awareness and consideration of the marketing funnel while driving conversions through paid channels.

“The testimonials and examples serve as a source of inspiration for anyone who is looking to healthify themselves”, highlights Vashisht.

Overall, the HealthifyMe marketing strategy revolves around health and fitness, showcasing real-time cases with the customers benefitting from the app.

The brand focuses on increasing their TOM (Target Operating Model), TOM (Target Operating Model) + SPONT (Spontaneous Recall) Awareness along with any evident efficiencies that are visible at the acquisition and conversion points of the funnels.

To bolster the overall marketing initiatives HealthifyMe also leverages in-house analytic capabilities along with some off-the-shelf attribution services (e.g. Appsflyer) to measure ROI effectively.

Also read: Digital constitute nearly 100% of our marketing spends: Varun Sadana, Supertails

Driving App Installs: Decoding HealthifyMe Social Media Strategy

Being a digital-first brand, social media plays a crucial role for HealthifyMe – for many marketing KPIs including discovery to app installs/conversions.

HealthifyMe aims to be the platform of choice for anyone looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, shares Vashisht. They attempt to create relevant content across all social channels keeping in mind this audience base.

Digital Footprint:

  • YouTube: 418K+
  • Instagram: 678K+ followers
  • Facebook: 1.2 Mn+
  • Twitter: 5948

“We have seen video-based content perform much better than statics – YouTube and Instagram are great channels for us,” highlights Vashisht.

Through a series of marketing initiatives, the brand has been witnessing a 67% YoY growth in new registrations, till 11th January 2022. From the period of Jan 2021 till 11th Jan 2022, HealthifyMe saw an increment in plan purchases and revenue over INR 15 Cr.

Facebook & Instagram

HealthifyMe’s Instagram page showcases a mix of static and dynamic posts. The static posts range from guides to testimonials in the hall of fame for the brand.

The dynamic posts include Instagram Reels and Videos showcasing creators and influencers with exercise tips such as Yoga, healthy yet delectable food dishes, amongst others.


HealthifyMe utilizes Facebook in tandem with Instagram. The brand also leverages the medium for Live events around healthy living.


As per the HealthifyMe social media marketing strategy, the brand leverages YouTube for knowledge-sharing videos and tips to help people lead a healthy life.

From content buckets ranging from Nutrition to Weightloss success stories, the HealthifyMe YouTube channel brings quick tips, transformation stories, healthy cooking tips, a recap of Live streams, amongst others. The brand also leverages YouTube shorts for ephemeral content.

Healthify’s YouTube page also utilizes Mastheads with Live icons that redirect customers to the brand’s other social media pages and attempt at driving app installs with Google Play Store banner ads.


This platform is ideally used to redirect consumers to the brand’s Instagram page apart from social media posts in tandem with Facebook, and Instagram.

Content Strategy – Health, Nutrition & Fitness

As part of the HealthifyMe content strategy, the brand shares posts around health and fitness themes that involve topics like the nutritional value of certain food, recipes, quick and effective workouts, etc. These tactics are deployed through videos, social posts – short and long-form articles.

Influencers & Celebrities

The brand leverages both, influencers and celebrities for promotions. The influencers list involves health coaches, health and fitness creators, body positivity influencers, doctors, and more. Vashisht further explains, “Whilst choosing to partner with any content creator/influencer, we always shortlist someone who can tell an honest and authentic story.” 

“It is the quality that matters more than just follower count”, shares the brand.

Following an ‘and’ policy, the brand utilizes celebrities who can empathize with the struggles faced by people attempting to healthify themselves. “Sara is a great example of where there has been a meeting of minds”, emphasizes Vashisht.

The brand leverages topical moments and trending formats around healthy living and fitness. “Our teams try to weave in topical or trending themes into these content pieces”, explains Vashisht.

To build a connect with Young India, Healthify also brings memes.

Guides & Tips

A core part of the content strategy involves leveraging Instagram blogs/guides for tips on healthy living and a healthy mind and body.

Through all these content initiatives, HealthifyMe aims to be the first port of call for anyone who is investing in their health and fitness journey and the content pieces help further build trust on the platform.

Going Beyond…

Due to COVID-19, consumers have come to realize that digital solutions are not only convenient but also effective at delivering outcomes around health and fitness. 

“Our platform has helped people achieve some incredible outcomes during both COVID-19 waves catering to various people – from people facing obesity to diabetes”, shares Vashisht. The brand aims to continue driving sustainable changes in health through a customer-centric approach despite any crises or adverse conditions.

In a bid to make a difference, HealthifyMe introduced additional services like Vaccination bookings. This was a pro-bono offering that we built during 2021 – we will continue to support this via our platform, adds Vashisht

“One thing that has worked well for us is to always keep the consumer at the center of everything and ensure that we empathize with their needs – these influences everything we do across creatives, media choices, and budgets”, concludes Vashisht.

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Source: Social Samosa

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