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HomeDigital MarketingAriel's latest ad under #ShareTheLoad campaign highlights the power of teamwork

Ariel’s latest ad under #ShareTheLoad campaign highlights the power of teamwork

Over the last 9 years, Ariel India has sparked conversations around the unequal division of domestic chores within households, urging more men to share the load.

Since Ariel began this journey in 2015, the percentage of men who believed that household chores, like laundry, are solely a woman’s job has drastically decreased from 79% to 25%. However, acknowledging the need for further progress, Ariel is driving the conversation forward to encourage men to not only accept the physical aspect of household chores but also to act as a team at home to share the mental load. This year, Ariel poses a pertinent question – How strong is your HomeTeam? By urging men to be equal contributors to household chores, Ariel aims to create a culture of equal ownership of housework between husbands and wives.

While the physical aspect of household chores may receive occasional recognition, the silent weight of the mental load often goes unnoticed for many women. As men increasingly take on certain tasks and some households opt for domestic assistance, it’s critical to address the unseen burden women bear. A new study revealed that three out of every four women (75%*) find it difficult to mentally disengage from household responsibilities. This imbalance not only undermines their health, relationships, and overall well-being but also poses a significant obstacle to their career advancement. 

As the unceasing weight of household chores persists, looming over every aspect of life, it’s imperative to ask: Can men adeptly shoulder not just the physical but the mental responsibilities of household management in her absence, thus easing the burden and fostering a more equitable partnership?”

Through their #ShareTheLoad campaign, Ariel raises an important question for men through the story of Aisha, a professional juggling career and home responsibilities. Her apprehension about a work trip to Singapore stems from concerns about her partner’s ability to manage household duties in her absence, reflecting a common dilemma for women. In the film, her boss encourages her to leverage her “HomeTeam” effectively, highlighting the power of teamwork in both personal and professional life. 

“In response to the evolving dynamics within households, driven by the increasing representation of women in the formal sector, we recognize the need to adapt our approach to laundry care. With higher incomes, increased mobility, and growing aspirations, households are experiencing changes in laundry patterns, time constraints, and a heightened demand for convenience. At Ariel, we are committed to creating an ecosystem at home that empowers women by easing their domestic responsibilities. Our mission goes beyond providing superior cleaning products; we aim to foster genuine partnership and equality within households. By understanding the evolving needs of consumers, we strive to rewrite the narrative of gender roles and empower both men and women to share responsibilities equitably. This year. We are attempting to spotlight the never-ending to-do lists, a sign of the mental load, that women continue to disproportionately bear. Together, through initiatives like #ShareTheLoad, we aspire to cultivate households where it’s equally common for men and women to not only share the physical chores like laundry but also share the mental load of household responsibilities.” said Mukta Maheshwari, Chief Marketing Officer, P&G India, and Vice President – Fabric Care, P&G Indian subcontinent.

“#ShareTheLoad is not just an advertising campaign; it’s a silent revolution that’s changing the way Indian society perceives household chores between couples. Each year we uncover a hidden truth. Our deep listening process, in collaboration with the team at P&G Ariel, helps us sense the mood of the nation, the home, and the individual. This year we are hearing more and more women say they are giving up on growth opportunities because of the mental and emotional load of domestic responsibilities. This holds many women back and stops them from achieving their full potential. But things are changing. There are so many moments in the film that show us this reality and how the shift is happening. In the end, the film captures the realization of the husband and the effort he puts in to ensure his wife doesn’t have to take a step back at work. A giant step for equality at home.” said Josy Paul, Chairman & Chief Creative Officer, of BBDO India.

Source: Social Samosa

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