Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeHealthHow to manage heavy periods? Helpful tips at your rescue 

How to manage heavy periods? Helpful tips at your rescue 

There are no two ways about it that periods are one of the most uncomfortable experiences in a woman’s life. The painful period cramps, headaches, nausea, backaches, bloating and whatnot. While for some women, cramps are the worst part of it all, for others it is the heavy flow. And then there’s a third category of women who experience both. 

If you belong to this club, you may have to keep your eyes peeled for spotting mattresses and staining your clothes. Fair enough if you hate this feeling and your periods. 

Nevertheless, managing heavy periods can become a hassle. But the good news is, you can use a few tips to manage heavy flow in periods. Here are a few of these tips. 

Consider using a menstrual cup 

If you haven’t used it before, the idea of using a menstrual cup now may not excite you. In fact, you may find the thought of using it uncomfortable. First and foremost, the application is not at all easy and you may think it would be painful. 

But just so you know, a menstrual cup is the best thing there is for a woman on her period. Yes, wearing it may be complex, but trust us, once you get the gist of it, life in periods will be easier. You won’t have to worry about spotting. 

It is a small flexible cup that you need to insert into your vagina. Unlike a pad or tampon, it collects flow. You will be required to remove the cup after 8-12 hours and wash it before reusing it. Don’t worry, it is hygienic. Once you begin using a menstrual cup, trust us there is no going back. 

Wear sanitary undergarments

We have come a long way. We are no longer living in times where using pads and cotton cloth was the only way to manage the heavy period flow. Now the market is flooded with products that can help manage heavy flow efficiently. One of them is sanitary panties. 

A sanitary napkin may turn out to be futile and insufficient at holding your flow. The length may be short, making spotting all the more frequent. This is where sanitary panties come in as they offer all-around protection. 

While they are convenient and comfortable, they can be bulky. Plus, their dampness can irritate the vulva, causing rashes. 

Consider using NSAID 

NSAIDs, also known as Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), are drugs that reduce pain, inflammation, fever and blood clots. They are also administered to make periods lighter. They work by reducing the amounts of hormones that cause pain and bleeding in periods. While some NSAIDs are helpful, others are not and they can make the bleeding worse. You must talk to your doctor before proceeding with the use of these drugs. Remember, what works for someone, may not work for you. Medical consultation is a must before taking any medicine. 

Consider some treatment options to reduce the flow 

Some medical treatments are designed to reduce blood flow during periods. These treatments include hormonal drugs, IUDs, and Uterine artery embolisation. Be sure to consult your doctor before undergoing these medical procedures and prescription medications. 

Probable reasons why you get heavy periods 

Heavy period flow, also known as Menorrhagia, can be because of hormonal issues, including high estrogen levels, blood clotting issues, fibroids (benign growth in the uterus), pelvic inflammatory changes, Endometriosis, bleeding disorders, and certain medications. Heavy bleeding may also be a sign of thyroid issues,  kidney disease, liver disease and obesity.

Closing thoughts

 If you suffer from unusual period bleeding, where you have a heavy flow or have periods exceeding 7 days, it’s best to get yourself checked. If the cause is no concern for worry, your health may also benefit from taking iron supplements. When you lose a lot of blood, you lose iron with it, causing deficiency and risking your chance of getting anaemia. Consult your doctor in this regard. 

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