Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeLawSupreme Court slams BJP ads against TMC, says prima facie disparaging

Supreme Court slams BJP ads against TMC, says prima facie disparaging

During the hearing today, Senior Advocate PS Patwalia, who represented BJP, argued that the ads were based on facts and that the party was not heard by the single-judge.

However, the Supreme Court after looking at the ads said it was not inclined to interfere with the High Court order.

Please see pages so and so. You are magnifying the issue here. We are not inclined to interfere,” the Court said.

As the Court was not convinced with Patwalia’s arguments and made clear its intention to dismiss the plea, the senior counsel sought to withdraw the case.

While allowing the request, the Court said the BJP can contest the case before the Single Judge of High Court.

Petitioner is given liberty to contest the notices issued against them through counter affidavits which shall be considered in accordance with law,” it ordered.

At the end of hearing, Justice Vishwanathan, while addressing the BJP counsel, said,

“Your rival is not an enemy!”

Source: Barandbench

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