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HomeGovernmentInternship Experience @ Law Commission of India, Delhi; Developing Research Skills; Freedom...

Internship Experience @ Law Commission of India, Delhi; Developing Research Skills; Freedom to Explore Lok Nayak Bhawan


Danish Chandra

Name of the College

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Outer Ring Rd, AU Block, Ranikhet, Pitampura, New Delhi, Delhi, 110034

Year of Study

3rd Year

Name of the Organisation

Law Commission of India

Duration of Internship

28 July 2023 – 28 August 2023

How did you Apply?

I applied through the website.

First-Day Formalities, Infrastructure, and First Impression

My experience at the Law Commission of India was truly amazing. The infrastructure at Lok Nayak Bhawan was fantastic, and I was impressed by how humble and approachable the administration and officers were. One thing I really appreciated was the flexibility – we could take breaks after completing our work or even in between tasks. The building itself was a hub of legal activity, housing not just the Law Commission but also other important offices and tribunals like the NCLT and indirect tax authorities.

A highlight for me was the library, where we had access to Law Commission records and previous reports. This was invaluable for our research. Perhaps the most memorable aspect was the sense of camaraderie that developed.

I made new friends and was delighted to discover that some of them were from my own college. We formed a tight-knit group, always ready to help each other out if someone was struggling to find research material. Every day was interactive and engaging. The bonds we formed and the collaborative atmosphere made each day at the Law Commission special.

We weren’t just colleagues; we became a small family of college students working together. These moments we shared at the Law Commission are ones I’ll cherish forever. It wasn’t just a professional experience but a personal journey of growth and friendship. This experience has enriched my knowledge and inspired me to strive for excellence in my future endeavours.

Main Tasks

Task 1 (Litigation Policy) Task 2 (Use of Emojis and Emoticons in Litigation) Task 3 (Anoop Baranwal vs Union of India and CAT) Task 4 (Litigation policies in different countries other than India) Task 5 (Trade Secrets Protection Act and Economic Espionage Act) Task 6 (One Nation One Election Suggestions)

Work Environment

My time at the Law Commission of India was truly exceptional. The work environment was incredibly stimulating, and I found myself constantly inspired by the atmosphere in our research room. It had this unique aura that seemed to encourage deep thinking and collaboration.

What struck me most was how much I learned from my juniors and seniors – their insights and perspectives were invaluable, and I’m grateful for their knowledge. The experience went beyond just professional growth; we formed genuine connections. We stayed in touch after our internship ended, exchanging LinkedIn accounts and continuing our conversations.

It’s incredible that what started as a professional opportunity has blossomed into lasting friendships and a network of peers passionate about law. This experience at the Law Commission has enhanced my legal knowledge and expanded my professional circle in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

Good Things about the Internship

The internship provided significant exposure and a valuable learning experience. I developed my research skills and gained insights from diverse perspectives. The flexible hours were a bonus, the food and beverages were terrific, and the tea was exceptional.

The office was well-ventilated and equipped with a Wi-Fi connection, making it a lifetime experience.

Bad Things about the Internship

Honestly, there were no bad things as such.

Monthly Stipend

No stipend

Details about the Accommodation

There is no accommodation when commuting to the Office. So, I would come and go by cab.

Anything Else You Want to Share?

During my time at the Law Commission, I discovered that the experience extended far beyond our research room. We had the freedom to explore different floors of the Lok Nayak Bhawan, which was an exciting prospect for a law enthusiast like me.

I often wandered the corridors, stumbling upon various tribunals and courtrooms. It was fascinating to slip into these spaces and observe actual proceedings quietly. Watching lawyers argue cases, judges deliberate, and the legal system at work was an invaluable learning experience. I remember feeling excited each time I discovered a new tribunal or ongoing hearing.

This opportunity to witness the practical application of law beyond our research tasks added a whole new dimension to my internship. It brought our theoretical work to life and gave me a broader perspective on the legal landscape. These impromptu explorations became one of my favourite aspects of the internship, providing insights I couldn’t have gained from research alone.

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Source: Lawctopus

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