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CfP: Indian Law Review by NLIU Bhopal [16th Volume; ISSN 2229-7960]: Submit Papers by September 30!

Submissions are invited for 16th Volume of Indian Law Review by NLIU Bhopal. Submit papers by September 30!

About the University

The National Law Institute University was established by the Act No. 41 of 1997 and substituted by the Act No. 06 of 2018 of the Madhya Pradesh Legislature and the university has been successful in instilling a sense of broad perspective along with scholastic and reflexive capabilities bearing in mind larger national and humanitarian goals in its students. The University intends to invoke discussions and ventilation of thought-provoking ideas on varied legal issues among legal scholars, jurists and students in India and abroad.

About the Journal

The Indian Law Review (ILR) aims to be a premier scholarly publication dedicated to exploring and analyzing various aspects of Indian law. The primary purpose of the ILR is to promote legal scholarship, provide a platform for academicians, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, and contribute to the development of legal knowledge in India and globally.

Theme & Sub-themes

The ILR seeks to publish high-quality, well-researched, original articles, covering a wide range of legal subjects relevant to India. It encompasses all branches of law, including constitutional law, criminal law, civil law, cyber law, corporate law, environmental law, intellectual property law, international law and other allied domains of law.

Who can Submit

The Indian Law Review welcomes submissions from a wide range of individuals, including academicians, legal scholars, practitioners, and students, interested in contributing to legal scholarship.

How to Submit

The contribution should be addressed to The Editor, Indian Law Review, National Law Institute University, Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal — 462 044 (M.P.) and softcopy should be sent to

Submission Guidelines

Editorial Independence and Integrity

The ILR maintains strict editorial independence and is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, impartiality, and fairness in its review process. Editorial decisions are based solely on the merit and relevance of submissions, without any discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or institutional affiliation.

The ILR adheres to a blind peer-review system to ensure an unbiased evaluation of all submissions. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise in the relevant subject matter to provide constructive feedback to authors.


  • Focus and Content: The ILR aims to publish scholarly legal writings that are clear and  well-expressed. The journal welcomes an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging  specialists from other disciplines to contribute their insights on legal issues.
  • Article Length: Generally, articles submitted to the ILR are expected to be between 8000  to 10,000 words. These articles should either develop a legal theory or present research  findings with practical applications to the law.
  • Comments: Comments are shorter versions of approximately 4,000 to 5,000 words. They  discuss specific legal issues, case law, or legal policies, identifying any flaws and offering  the author’s opinion on the right direction to address the highlighted issue.
  • Scholarship Standards: While there are no rigid rules for scholarship, the ILR expects  submissions to meet high academic standards, promoting clarity of thought and expression.
  • Format: The paper submitted should be typed in Times New Roman, Font size 12, 1.15 line  spacing. Headings should be in capital letters with a font size 16 and subheadings should be in  Font size 14. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font size 10, single line spacing.
  • Mode of Citation: The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (4th Edition), (The same can be accessed here.

Editorial Process

  • Submission Guidelines: Authors must adhere to the submission guidelines provided by  the ILR. These guidelines include formatting requirements, citation styles, word limits, and other specific instructions to ensure uniformity and readability.
  • Peer Review: Submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process where  the identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed. Reviewers provide constructive  feedback, and the Editorial Board makes final decisions based on their recommendations.
  • Decision Types: After review, submissions are categorized into the following decision  types:
  • Accepted: Manuscripts that meet the ILR’s quality standards and make significant  contributions to legal scholarship.
  • Accepted with Revisions: Manuscripts that have potential but require minor revisions  to address reviewer comments.
  • Rejected with Option to Resubmit: Manuscripts that are not currently suitable for  publication but may be resubmitted after significant improvements.
  • Rejected: Manuscripts that do not meet the ILR’s quality standards or fall outside the  scope of the journal.
  • Undertaking: The Indian Law Review intends to publish only the original contributions from  legal scholars, jurists, and students on a variety of legal issues. Each write-up shall be enclosed  with an undertaking that the contribution is the author’s original work and has not been published  or sent for publication elsewhere or not the repetition of the published work with incremental  changes. Authors are informed not to resort to plagiarism, and NLIU follows a zero-tolerance  against plagiarism.
  • Declaration of generative AI in writing: The guidance only refers to the writing process, and not  to the use of AI tools to analyse and draw insights from data as part of the research process. Where  authors use generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing  process, they should only use these technologies to improve readability and language. Applying  the technology should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully  review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect,  incomplete, or biased. AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as authors, co author, or cited as authors.
  • Corrections and Retractions: The ILR takes prompt action to correct any significant errors in  published articles. If substantial errors are identified, the journal will publish an erratum or  corrigendum to rectify the mistakes. In cases of serious misconduct or ethical violations, the ILR will consider retraction of the article following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication  Ethics (COPE). The submission in ILR will be allowed for retraction until notification of acceptance to the author; further, no retraction will be allowed after acceptance of the article conveyed.
  • Copyright: The copyright of the published articles is deemed to be assigned to the National Law  Institute University, Bhopal. However, for non-commercial purposes, the use of published material is not prohibited.

Processing Charges

Indian Law Review does not levy any processing charges for the publication of the well-researched article.

General Instructions

Disclaimer: “Authors will be solely responsible for their views and violations of the law, if any.” The University / Editorial Board shall not be responsible for the views/opinions of the authors in the Indian Law Review. The National Law Institute University does not subscribe to the views/opinions expressed by the authors. They shall be considered the personal views and/or opinion/s of the authors concerned.

All articles, comments, and reviews, whether solicited or unsolicited, will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and the decisions of the Editorial Board shall be final. Any changes suggested or made by the Editorial Board are intended only to further refine the ideas advanced by the author and not to replace them. The Editorial Board will try to reach out to the author about whether suggested changes should be made or not, and the author(s) opinion will be given due respect. Authors are requested to verify the references, and quotations before submitting their manuscripts. Please also send an abstract of one paragraph of the article.

The contribution should be addressed to The Editor, Indian Law Review, National Law Institute University, Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal — 462 044 (M.P.) and softcopy should be sent to The deadline for submission of soft copy is 30 September 2024. Submissions received after the due date may be considered for the next issue.

Contact Details

Please visit for further assistance or you may contact through

Click here for the official notification.

Click here for the brochure.

Disclaimer: WEF April, 2021, Lawctopus will not publish any ‘Call for Papers/Blogs’ by journals that charge money at the time of submission. If you find any journal doing so, please intimate us at tanuj.kalia[at]

Source: Lawctopus

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