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HomeLawLaw School Experience: City Law College, Jankipuram, Lucknow: Good Faculty, Well-equipped Library

Law School Experience: City Law College, Jankipuram, Lucknow: Good Faculty, Well-equipped Library

This Law School Experience has been shared by Arpita Singh, Campus Leader at Lawctopus.

Full name of the college

City Law College, Jankipuram campus, Lucknow. (Affiliated with Lucknow University)

What are some good things about your college

If I have to mention the good things about my college, then there are a series of good things. My college is the first choice of the students who are seeking law colleges in Lucknow, after the main campus of Lucknow University.

The reason behind this is, the rules and regulations of the college and the overall administration. My college is very clear regarding their rules and regulations, which provides a good atmosphere to law students.

Our college always tries to provide a smooth and comfortable environment to law students, especially freshers. This college is good for students who only want to study because during the initial days of college, the professors treat fresher students like nursery-class children.

Are there any bad things about your college

Good and bad are two sides of the same coin. Everything that is good has its bad aspects, too. Like other colleges, my college also has some negative qualities because nothing can be perfect—imperfections always exist somewhere.

The first negative aspect of my college is the lack of freedom regarding arrival and departure times for students. These restrictions sometimes make it feel like being back in school. The second issue is that the college canteen is too small, unhygienic, and lacks guidelines regarding food quality. Sometimes, they use low-quality oil in fried food items.

The third problem is that the college grounds are too small for outdoor games. Lastly, the college’s focus is limited to students’ 75 percent attendance, semester exams, and results.

How has your experience in your college been till now

I have completed almost two years at this college, and during those two years, I gained lots of experience and skills such as communication, leadership, writing, and public speaking. Reflecting on all my experiences and memories from this college, I have never regretted enrolling here.

Despite some good and bad features, it’s overall a good college. Our college is a better option for anyone seeking a good environment for studying. Our college provides nurturing support to weaker students in the class.

How’s the hostel facility of your college

I am not a hosteler, so I don’t know much about the hostel facility, but according to my hosteler peers , the hostel facilities are not very appreciable. There are small rooms with a minimum 3 roommates, and the quality of food provided to them is almost bad most of the time; the mesh serves oily food. They do not provide proper diet food.

How’s the infrastructure of your college

Our college has good infrastructure, a clean & green Small garden, a library with well-equipped books, and computers are also available in the library with the subscription of MANUPATRA &SCC ONLINE. There are sports rooms where all indoor games are available, girls common room and medical emergency room etc. Almost all classrooms have AC and projectors that make all classes a smart class.

How are your peers

Fortunately, my peers are good; they share all information about legal opportunities. However, not everyone wants to share their strategies for winning competitions because everyone wants to beat others and prove themselves to be the best. Nowadays, no one wants others to succeed.

How are the co-curricular Activities in your college

Our college organizes many competitions, webinars, conferences, and moot court competitions from time to time. Some of these competitions are also beyond legal issues, like the mehandi competition, the rangoli competition, the kavya path, etc. Last year, our college was thrilled to organize a National conference on 2nd December 2023. Every year, our college organizes an inter-college moot court competition.

What are Some things you would like to advice 1st year student

I would like to advise 1st year students that they should try to be part of more and more opportunities like competition, conferences, webinars and workshops. They should not think that it is too early to participate in these Activities.

Nothing is too early, And the most important thing that moves in every fresher’s mind is that they shall never compete with their seniors, and they will lose the competition.so I want to advise them that winning does not matter, the only thing that matters is your participation and your involvement.

This experience is a part of our law school experience series wherein our campus leaders shares their experience. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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