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HomeLawFrom Classroom to Courtroom: My Rollercoaster Ride through the Law School

From Classroom to Courtroom: My Rollercoaster Ride through the Law School

This Law School Experience has been shared anonymously.

Hi, I am a law student at PES University, Bangalore. However, Law wasn’t my first choice; I come from a science background. I have always been captivated by the realm of nature and its laws, which is why I committed my life to learning about the intricacies of science.

As I progressed through my studies, I came to see that although science could explain the “how” of the world, I was also curious to learn more about the “why” of society and human behavior. My curiosity brought me to the field of law, where I could combine my love of advocacy and justice with my analytical abilities.

It was a life-changing event for me to go to law school following a background in science. From day one, subjects like torts, constitution, and contracts sparked my imagination, but my constitution teacher was the real star of the show. Her enthusiasm for the topic was contagious and inspired me to learn more.

Fueled by newfound enthusiasm, I took on the challenge of writing a research paper on “constitutional recognition of environment protection”. 

It was more than simply academics; it was venturing into a whole new territory. But they say hard work always pays off! It felt like I had won a marathon against self-doubt and procrastination to see my name to be the first one in the entire university to have published a paper in first year. 

But my adventures didn’t end there, in fact, it was just the beginning of my journey in law school. Then came the day of the national seminar. Imagine me, an introvert who feels more comfortable among books than people, apprehensively observing a national seminar featuring renowned legal luminaries participating in it.

I hesitated for a long time, not knowing if I fit in with these experienced professionals. Yet, with gentle nudges from supportive friends who saw potential beyond my comfort zone, I worked up the nerve to present my paper. As I spoke, a mixture of nerves and exhilaration pulsed through me.

It was an exciting moment. I felt like I was taking a leap into the unknown with every word, but I was determined to passionately share my knowledge. When the applause erupted and I heard my name announced as the “Best Presenter Award”, I was in disbelief.

It showed me that facing fears and taking on new challenges can bring unexpected triumphs! It dawned on me, as I stood there soaking up the acclaim, that there was more at stake in this transition from an introverted nerdish girl to confident speaker.

It served as a reminder of the strength of persistence and the excitement of taking daring steps outside my comfort zone.

The seminar turned into more than just a turning point; it was also a spark for seizing the rich tapestry of possibilities that law school had to offer, both inside and outside the classroom.

Before I knew it, I found myself in my 4th semester of law school. It kicked off with an exciting field trip to a nearby village, where I got the opportunity to be a part of legal services.

Together with surveying the villagers and educating them about the law, my classmates and I developed into a vibrant organizing committee. Interacting with villagers became a highlight; their enthusiasm and curiosity fueled our passion for legal advocacy. 

Every conversation, from outlining fundamental rights to going over legal subtleties, felt like an uplifting exchange of information and a sense of community.

It was a really wholesome day, wherein we not only interacted with villagers but also performed a skit and musical show to educate them about their legal rights.

It was a beautiful day filled with opportunities to learn, grow and make a difference! As I progressed through the semester, another challenge awaited: “A grueling national level moot court competition in Mumbai.”

My team and I spent three intensive months preparing, working through the night and rehearsing arguments tirelessly. We examined legal precedents and honed our courtroom tactics as we took on the moot proposition heads on.

When the day of competition finally arrived, our hearts were filled with anxiety and nervousness. Entering the courtroom was like walking onto a stage, with judges scrutinizing our every move.

Despite our meticulous preparation, we faced strong opponents. Pouring our hearts and soul into every argument and rebuttal, we made it to the semi-finals. 

Little did we gain hope and confidence that we would certainly make it to finals, our results came. But not in our favor. Like a tidal wave, shock and disappointment overtook us, leaving us speechless and unable to accept the truth of our defeat. We had invested endless hours, sacrificed sleep and leisure, and now, uncertainty clouded our hearts.

Yet, this setback was far from defeat. Apart from the fierce rivalry, we discovered happiness in unexpected places. Having made amazing friends in a new place, bonding over late night strategy, and exploring Mumbai, trying local cuisine to navigating the busy city streets, every moment was worth cherishing for a lifetime. Even though we did not take home the top prize, the experience enriched us beyond measure.

Finally, my fourth semester came to an end and just when I thought life couldn’t get any more exhilarating, I landed an internship with a distinguished high court judge. It seemed as if I had entered a scene from a movie as I entered the real courtroom!

Witnessing numerous legal luminaries and senior advocates argue, it almost felt like I was in the front row of a legal drama. It was like having a backstage pass to learn about the inner workings of justice and its significance to our community.

As I reflect on my journey from being a science enthusiast to aspiring legal eagle, one thing shall always stand out: that law school isn’t just a phase. It was an exciting journey filled with courage, progress, and life-changing experiences.

From publishing my first article of research to receiving prizes at national seminars, every day presented new difficulties and learnings. But it wasn’t just about the achievements.

Even failures like having lost in the semifinals, helped me learn the value of persistence and commitment.

Looking ahead, I’m pumped to keep learning and embracing new opportunities that come along. Wherever this journey takes me, I’m all in for a new chapter of my law school.

This law school experience is a part of our experience series. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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