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INTERVIEW: Daily Obstacles in District and Sessions Court Practice with a Senior Advocate at District and Sessions Court 

This interview has been conducted by Vaidavi Aggarawal, a Campus Leader at Lawctopus.

At the District & Session Court in Dhule, Rajesh Sir is a senior advocate. He is among the top attorneys in the Dhule district, fiercely defends the rights of his clients, and upholds social justice. He attended the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Law College to study law.

His primary responsibility as a district and session court attorney is to represent clients in a range of cases that are heard by these courts. Criminal and civil cases are included in this.

What made you want to practice law, especially in district and session courts?

I have always been captivated by the concept of justice and the function of law in upholding a just society.

I choose to focus on district and sessions court law because it gives me the opportunity to engage closely with people, helping them with their legal problems and making sure that justice is done locally. Since I was born here, I wanted to work in Dhule and provide justice to the people who live here.

As a lawyer practicing in district and sessions courts, what are the primary obstacles you encounter on a daily basis?

The district court often deals with numerous cases where individuals may not be well-versed in the law and might unknowingly misrepresent facts due to their biases. This presents a challenging task of addressing people’s mindsets. Some clients are honest, while others attempt to conceal information.

My primary responsibility is to thoroughly question them, extract the truth, and offer proper guidance. Occasionally, there are amusing incidents where clients switch their statements between discussions and court appearances out of nervousness.

Despite the legal terminology and diverse problems each individual brings, consistent practice has made navigating these complexities enjoyable. Over time, I have learned to overcome obstacles creatively and find innovative solutions.

Could you describe the kinds of matters that you typically handle in sessions and district court?

Civil Cases are disputes regarding property, contracts, family matters such as divorce and custody, and issues related to civil rights. Criminal Cases are cases involving theft, assault, drug-related offenses, and other criminal matters where individuals are accused of breaking the law.

Appeals are cases from lower courts and administrative bodies that are presented to the session court for review and decision-making.

Have you ever had a Perry Mason moment in court, where you made a significant discovery or made progress on a case?

I wish I could claim that I’ve made groundbreaking discoveries while shouting ‘objection!’ passionately, but in reality, my progress typically involves more paperwork and less courtroom theatrics. That said, I do enjoy a captivating legal thriller!

Speaking of sentimental matters, what is the most touching result you have seen in your professional life—a situation in which justice actually improved someone’s life?

One of the most gratifying moments in my professional journey occurred during a legal custody dispute where we successfully reunited a parent with their child following a lengthy legal struggle. Witnessing the relief and pure joy on their faces when the judge ruled in their favor was truly indescribable.

It was more than just a legal victory – it was about reuniting a family and making a positive difference in their lives. This experience solidified my belief in the power of justice and the significance of advocating for the most vulnerable in our lives.

What one piece of advice would you give your younger self before beginning your legal career?

If there was a way for me to go in time and offer guidance before starting my legal career, I would first suggest investing in a high-quality coffee maker! All jokes aside, I would stress the significance of resilience and patience.

The field of law is rigorous and often unpredictable, yet each late-night study session and courtroom dispute imparts valuable knowledge. And never underestimate the impact of a well-timed courtroom jest—it has the ability to lighten the atmosphere and possibly influence opinions.

Most importantly, treasure the moments of genuine connection with clients and colleagues as they are what truly enrich this profession.

What moral guidance or advice would you provide a law student?

Studying law at the university level may seem simple, but the reality is quite challenging. For instance, Chartered Accountancy students face rigorous studies, yet once they attain their CA designation, their work becomes manageable.

However, in the legal field, what you acquire in college is merely a glimpse of what lies ahead. The actual practice is arduous and vastly different. It demands continual practice and a commitment to keeping abreast of legal knowledge regularly.

This Interview is a part of our Star Student/Faculty interview series wherein our campus leaders interview the star student/faculty of their college. Stay tuned for more!

Source: Lawctopus

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