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HomeLawMy Law School Life: Academic Experience and Personal Growth

My Law School Life: Academic Experience and Personal Growth

This Law School Experience has been shared by Chandra Sekhar Mishra, 5th year law student from Vikash Law School.

Law school was a transformative journey that reshaped my understanding of the legal world and significantly impacted my personal growth.

From the first day of orientation to the final exam, each moment was filled with learning, challenges, and memorable experiences that have left an indelible mark on my life. As a person of legal family background, I was roped with a lot of expectations in this legal career.

But my interest was never to a lawyer or an advocate. However, things did not go as planned, I got into a law college named Vikash Law School which is situated in the Bargarh district of Odisha. I took my time in understanding the subjects, place, and teachers, then I began to deep dive into the infinite pool of legal knowledge.

Memorable Classes and Lectures

Several classes and lectures during my law school journey were exceptionally impactful, contributing significantly to my academic and professional growth.

Constitutional Law stood out for its foundational role in understanding the principles and structure of governance. This interactive approach not only deepened my understanding of constitutional provisions but also encouraged me to analyze landmark judgments and their societal impact.

Exploring topics such as fundamental rights and separation of powers in a dynamic classroom environment made the subject both intellectually stimulating and relevant to contemporary legal issues.

Indian Penal Code (IPC) introduced me to the intricacies of criminal law and justice in India. The classes were structured to blend theoretical frameworks with practical case studies, illustrating the application of criminal statutes in real-world scenarios.

Understanding the nuances of different criminal offenses and their legal implications heightened my appreciation for the role of law in maintaining social order and justice.

Taxation Law provided insights into fiscal policies and regulatory frameworks governing financial transactions. The practical relevance of tax codes and their impact on businesses and individuals underscored the complexities of legal practice in economic contexts. Due to this subject, I did my masters in Business law and IPR.

Overcoming Challenging Subjects

Navigating through challenging subjects such as the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and Jurisprudence required focused effort and strategic study techniques.

CPC demanded a thorough understanding of procedural rules and courtroom practices. This was due to the vast syllabus and lack of understanding on my part.

So I tackled this subject by creating detailed outlines, participating actively in study groups to discuss case scenarios, and seeking clarification from professors during office hours.

Jurisprudence, with its philosophical debates and theoretical frameworks, posed intellectual challenges. This subject was very vast and the other reason for the difficulty was the frequent changes in teaching staff in this subject.

To overcome these, I sought guidance from professors on interpretive dilemmas and theoretical disagreements deepened my understanding of jurisprudential theories, and enhanced my analytical skills.

Extracurricular Activities

From my college days, I was more into debates and seminars, I am a “5 times District level debate champion” and a “state-level debater” and also a “delegate to National level youth seminar” which was held in New Delhi with Prime Minister Narendra Modi as chief guest.

I achieved this fate of national and state debate during my law school and I am very grateful to my teachers who helped me during this period. One of the most memorable times was when I won a National Moot Court Championship which was held in Sambalpur District and I can only imagine how hard we as a team worked for this.

Getting selected was also not an easy task as I personally went through a selection process 3 times. The moment we won, I was in tears as I worked hard for it and so did my team.

In addition to that Organizing and attending seminars, workshops, and guest lectures enriched my law school experience. Themes ranged from constitutional reforms to emerging trends in corporate law.

Notable speakers included prominent judges including the Chief Justice of Jharkhand, ADJ of Bargarh, SDJM of Bargarh, etc, and legal scholars who shared insights on landmark cases and evolving legal doctrines. I with my classmates played a cricket match with a team of judges on our college campus and unfortunately, our team lost the match.

Personal Growth

During law school, I honed critical legal skills such as legal research, writing persuasive arguments, and mastering oral advocacy.

Balancing academic demands with extracurricular commitments required effective time management and resilience. Personal challenges, including managing stress during exam periods and setbacks in moot court competitions, taught me perseverance and adaptability.

Mentorship from professors and networking at legal conferences expanded my professional circle, providing invaluable guidance and career insights.

These experiences not only shaped my legal acumen but also equipped me with essential soft skills like teamwork and leadership, preparing me for a dynamic legal career ahead.


Law school provided transformative experiences that shaped both my career aspirations and personal development.

I got to know my strengths in specific subjects and from that knowledge I chose Business law and IPR as my subjects in LLM, in Sambalpur University.

Some key takeaways include honing critical legal skills such as research, writing, and advocacy, alongside developing crucial soft skills like teamwork and leadership. Overcoming challenges taught me resilience and adaptability, crucial in a legal career.

Mentorship and networking opportunities broadened my professional horizons, clarifying my career path and enhancing my commitment to justice and advocacy.

These experiences solidified my passion for law and prepared me to navigate the complexities of legal practice with confidence and purpose.

This law school experience is a part of our experience series. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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