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HomeLawMy Law School Journey at Christ Academy Institute of Law, Bengaluru

My Law School Journey at Christ Academy Institute of Law, Bengaluru

This Law School Experience has been shared anonymously.

When I first walked through the gates of Christ Academy Institute of Law in Bengaluru, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension.

As a student in the BBA LLB program, I knew I was embarking on a challenging yet rewarding journey. Over the years, my experiences here have profoundly shaped my academic and personal growth, leaving me with memories and lessons that will stay with me forever.

Academic Experiences

From the very first semester, the rigorous academic environment pushed me to expand my intellectual boundaries even in the Online classes.

One of the most memorable classes was on Constitutional Law, taught by Dr. Irfan. His Socratic method of teaching encouraged critical thinking and active participation.

The debates in his class on fundamental rights and duties were not just intellectually stimulating but also taught me the importance of diverse perspectives in understanding the law.

However, not all subjects came easily to me. Corporate Law, in particular, posed significant challenges. The complex regulations and intricate case laws were initially overwhelming.

Coming to the Accounts subject, I faced a lot of challenges as a Science student this was my first time doing accounts. To overcome this, I adopted a systematic study approach.

I formed study groups with classmates, attended extra sessions with professors, and made extensive use of online legal databases for research. These strategies not only helped me excel in Corporate Law and Accounts but also honed my research and collaborative skills.

Among the influential professors, Dr. Shivani Sah stands out. Her guidance in my research projects was invaluable. She encouraged me to think beyond textbooks and explore real-world applications of legal principles.

Her mentorship was crucial in developing my analytical and writing skills, which later became instrumental in my role as a student Editor-in-chief for the Research and Publication Committee for Nyayavani Bi-annual Newsletter and Nyayalekhani- A student Edited Law Review.

Extracurricular Activities

Outside the classroom, my involvement in extracurricular activities was equally enriching. Participating in moot court competitions was a highlight of my law school life.

The preparation for these competitions was intense, involving in-depth research, drafting memorials, and practicing oral arguments. Winning the best memorial award at a national moot court competition remains one of my proudest achievements.

This experience not only enhanced my legal acumen but also significantly improved my public speaking and argumentation skills.

My role in various student organizations was another defining aspect of my journey. As a member of the Student Bar Council (SBA), I was involved in organizing several competitions and festivals. These events were a logistical challenge, but they provided invaluable experience in event management and teamwork.

Additionally, being part of the CAIL Media Team, it exposed me to the practical aspects of Website Development for the College and Social Media Handling of CAIL Media and SBA.

Working on a real website under the supervision of faculty members gave me a profound understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the importance of pro bono work.

Also, making of Several Posters, banners, Magazines, and Newsletter for College as a Sole person enriched my Experience in Editing Skills too.

Attending seminars, dialectics, workshops, and industrial visits further broadened my horizons. Notably, a workshop on Cyber Law, conducted by an eminent legal expert, was particularly insightful. It highlighted the emerging challenges in the digital age and the evolving legal landscape.

These sessions were not only informative but also offered networking opportunities with professionals in the field.

Personal Growth

The skills and knowledge I acquired during my time at Christ Academy were multifaceted. Academically, I gained proficiency in legal research, writing, and critical analysis.

The numerous moot court preparations and presentations polished my oral advocacy skills. Moreover, managing various responsibilities, from academics to extracurricular activities, taught me valuable time management and organizational skills.

One of the most significant challenges I faced was balancing the demands of law school with personal commitments. There were times when the pressure seemed insurmountable, but I learned to manage stress through effective time management and seeking support from peers and mentors.

The collaborative environment at Christ Academy fostered a sense of camaraderie, and the friendships I forged here provided a strong support system. Building a professional network was another crucial aspect of my law school journey.

Through seminars, internships, and participation in student organizations, I connected with professionals and peers who have been instrumental in my career development. Mentorship from professors and interactions with industry experts provided guidance and opened doors to various opportunities.


As I reflect on my time at Christ Academy Institute of Law, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment.

The academic rigor, coupled with extensive extracurricular involvement, has equipped me with a well-rounded education and a strong foundation in law. The challenges I faced and the successes I achieved have not only shaped my career aspirations but also my personal development.

My experiences here have instilled in me a passion for the legal profession and a commitment to contribute meaningfully to society. As I move forward, I carry with me the lessons learned, the skills honed, and the invaluable connections made during my time at Christ Academy.

This journey has been transformative, and I am excited to continue building on this foundation as I pursue my career in law.

This law school experience is a part of our experience series. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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