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HomeEntertainment6 Best Smoothies For Healthy Skin—Shared By A Celebrity Dietitian

6 Best Smoothies For Healthy Skin—Shared By A Celebrity Dietitian

Smoothies are hassle-free and quick to make. And honestly, there is nothing greater than a breakfast option that treats your skin as well! So we got in touch with Celebrity Dietitian Shweta Shah, Founder of EatFit247 to get our hands on her top favourite smoothie recipes for a glowing skin and here’s what she shared with us.

1. Papaya Smoothie

Papaya Smoothie by Amallia Eka | www.shutterstock.com
Papaya Smoothie




1. Take one cup of papaya that’s cut into chunks, water as required, some crushed ice and 1 tsp of groound flaxseed.

2. Combine the papaya, water, ice, and flaxseed. Process for about 30 seconds, or until smooth and frosty and serve!


Papaya is so beneficial for your skin that you will be surprised. It contains the compound papain in it that helps in removing tan and dullness, lightening hyperpigmentation and combating acne.

2. De-Tan Smoothie

Green Smoothie by Veronika Idiyat | www.shutterstock.com
Green Smoothie


1/2 cup shredded bottle gourd
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
1/4 cup chilled water
1 tablespoons lemon juice
A pinch of Himalayan pink salt


1. Toss the shredded bottle gourd and chopped cucumber into a blender and give it a spin.

2. Add the chilled water and lemon juice and stir well.

3. Pour the smoothie into a glass and add a pinch of Himalayan pink salt and it’s ready! Make sure to stir well before drinking.


We have chosen the best de-bloating and de-tanning ingredients for this juice! Cucumber and bottle gourd have been used since ages for detanning and cooling effects. Adding lemon juice gives it a boost of Vitamin C. Pink salt has been believed to relieve gastric problems keeping your indigestion at bay which is the root cause of many skin problems!

3. Super Skin Booster Smoothie

Cucumber Carrot Smoothie by MAR007 | www.shutterstock.com
Cucumber Carrot Smoothie


1/2 apple
1 orange, halved and peeled and seedless
1 small carrot
1/4 cucumber, peeled
1′ piece of ginger
1/4 lemon, peeled
Water, to dilute if needed
Healthy sweetener of choice, to taste (can use stevia)


1. Juice them all and add water if you think the juice has to be diluted.

2. Also add your healthy sweetener of choice.

3. You can even enjoy it just as it is, without the sweetener, as it is already sweet enough!


Give your skin a boost of all the vitamins and minerals in one go! Orange gives your body the boost of Vitamin C. Carrot, being rich in beta carotene and cucumbers being naturally cooling, they both are excellent blood purifying agents. Ginger and lemon here help in smoothing the digestion process.

4. Blush Smoothie

Beetroot Smoothie by Svittlana | www.shutterstock.com
Beetroot Smoothie


1 amla
1/2 beetroot
1 carrot


1. Mix all the ingredients, blend and strain it afterward.

2. Make sure to serve it/enjoy it fresh.


Boosting all the Vitamins, our favourite ingredients like Amla which is the richest source of Vitamin C, carrot and beetroots which are rich in beta carotenes that give you those blushy cheeks and everlasting glow!

5. Anti-Pigmentation Smoothie

Carrot Spinach Smoothie by iuliia_n | www.shutterstock.com
Carrot Spinach Smoothie


1 medium sweet potatoes
1 small carrot
Handful of spinach
1 inch of whole ginger
A pinch of black salt
½ Cup Water
Few drops of lemon


1. Wash and peel the sweet potatoes and carrot

2. Cut them into medium sized cubes

3. Chop spinach and ginger

4. Add all the constituents in the food processor along with ½ cup of water. Add a pinch of black salt and a few drops of lemon.

5. Blend for a few minutes to form a smooth paste

6. Pour in a serving mug and enjoy.

7. Best served chilled and fresh in between breakfast and lunch daily.


A potent shot of Vitamins and minerals, this smoothie is filled with nearly all the essential vitamins to fight acne like Vitamin A, B, E and K. It is beneficial in improving hyper-pigmented spots and skin tone.

6. Mint Coriander Smoothie

Mint Coriander Smoothie by Nikolaeva Galina | www.shutterstock.com
Mint Coriander Smoothie


Mint leaves
Coriander leaves
Lemon juice


1. Start by washing and blanching the coriander leaves in warm water.

2. Add mint 1 cup, coriander leaves 1 cup, and lemon juice half teaspoon and blend the ingredients together using a blender or a juicer.

3. Sieve the juice. Pour the mint coriander smoothie in a tall glass and enjoy! This mint coriander smoothie helps in weight loss as well as detoxification.


Mint leaves elevate the secretion of bile acids that help in digestion. Coriander leaves are filled with an abundant source of vitamin C and K, β-carotene. They contain antioxidants, as well, that fight free radicals in the body. Mint Coriander smoothie will keep those acne at bay during important ceremonies.

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Source: MissMalini

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