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Job Interviews and Emotional Intelligence

Job interviews are always stressful and difficult to handle. When we hear the term ‘interview’ it brings in a lot of mixed emotions within us. People experience a pool of emotions such as excitement, fear, anxiety, nervousness, thrill, etc. Now the question arises is how do we control these emotions? How to not let these emotions hamper our performance?

We talk a lot about being intelligent when it comes to mastering a particular skill but have we ever wondered what emotional intelligence is? Emotional Intelligence is everything a person needs in order to succeed at a job interview. Starting from the basics, Emotional Intelligence is basically the way we can understand and deal with the world and especially with the people around us. When you are able to understand the feelings of a person, you can understand how to work with or around those feelings to make sure that you will get what you want. Being able to understand the emotional state of a person can make things a lot easier, when you are talking to them, and this is just one of the skills emotional intelligence can offer you.

Emotional intelligence provides us with four basic components for enhancing one’s own emotions:

1. One must be aware of their own emotions.

2. Once an individual is aware of one’s emotions then only s/he can understand others emotions.

3. Negative emotions have to be regulated and controlled. These emotions need to be channelised into being positive ensuring good health.

4. Right expression of emotions plays a significant role in understanding and communicating in an effective way.

There are certain emotions that an individual experiences in an interview:


Emotions are common during job interviews. But one that you will feel at the highest scale is excitement. There are so many things that one can feel during an interview. Whether they will be able to answer the questions or not, if they will be making a good impression on the interviewer, are few of the examples that fall under excitement.

Panic Attacks

There is always a sense of panic in every candidate when they are attending an interview. They always wonder what exactly the recruiter will ask them next and if they aren’t able to answer, what kind of impression will it formulate. Some amount of stress known as eustress is good for the performance of the individual. However when the stress increases the particular threshold it hampers the performance of the individual and degrades the output.

Feeling of Doubt

A lot of people doubt themselves when they are attending an interview. They wonder if they are doing a good job or not. Doubting oneself happens often and can be taken care of if you try to develop a good personality and work on your self-esteem.


Another feeling you are most likely to feel during interviews is the feeling of desperation. Most people are desperate to get the job of their dreams so they will literally say anything to the recruiter to get them hired. If you are feeling like this during an interview, you should really slow down. Being desperate is definitely not the right way to land a good job. If you really want something, be patient and show your personality in a good way.


You might also feel a whole lot of frustration while attending interviews. Sometimes when you want the interview to go in a certain way and it turns out the exact opposite, one tends to get all upset and unhappy about the whole thing and that could lead to major frustration.


Stress is also something that one notices quite often during interviews. Some people get stressed out too fast. Some common signs of stress include dangling legs, wiping the sweat off the face, having a scared expression on the face etc. If you have felt that way during an interview, do know that it’s common but can be taken care of with a little patience and lots of practice.


One feels embarrassed if one hasn’t been able to handle an interview the right way. If something like this happens, you have to remember that you are human and mistakes like these happen very often. You should get past it immediately and focus on answering the next questions in a better way. That would help you a lot more than anything else, especially if the interview has just begun.

During a job interview, emotional intelligence will help you understand more about your interviewer and will give you the opportunity to use it to your advantage.

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Source: Digital Ready

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