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HomeDigital MarketingHow You Can Become a Top Performing Digital Advertiser with Digital Ready’s...

How You Can Become a Top Performing Digital Advertiser with Digital Ready’s Digital Marketing Course

Be it just casual web browsing or whenever we’re checking the endless social media profiles, ads are present everywhere. The digital advertising industry is constantly growing because of the ever-increasing number of internet users.

Digital Advertising is the Most Required Skill in The Market

  • There are a number of reasons why digital advertising is the way to go if you’re looking for a career in advertising:
  • The number of searches in Google increases by approximately 10% each year
  • Out of the whole lot, 35% of the searches are for products
  • 92% choose from the options which are listed on the first page of the Google search results
  • It has been observed that since ads work very fast, you can expect up to 5 or 10 times more traffic that day (from the day you start posting the ads)

What is Missing in General Advertising Courses?

In our over two decades of experience in this field, we’ve observed the following discrepancies in most of the advertising courses out there:

1. Practical Application is Missing

Just learning theoretical concepts and not being able to practice them in real-time creates a gap in the education process.

2. Comprehensive Understanding is Missing

Advertising is a complex concept and has many layers that need to be understood properly to carry out the whole advertising process better.

3. Creative Thinking About the Campaign is Missing

Creativity forms the basis of advertising and institutes need to teach students how to exercise their creative muscles well.

How We Teach Digital Advertising

At Digital Ready, we teach digital advertising by breaking it down into the following segments:

Understanding Advertising

1. Basics of Advertising

We help our students in building the right mindset for advertising. It is about using a channel to showcase your message for a price, reach people faster, and create brand awareness.

2. History of Advertising

Online ads have matured a lot since those days, but it’s still important to look back at the flashy, gaudy, sometimes messy origins of internet advertising to better understand where we’re going to go.

3. Components of Advertising

The components of advertising can be broken down into six parts: Objective, budget, target audience, message/content, medium/channel, and Analytics. We take our students through each and every one.

4. Basics of Digital Advertising

From choosing the right platforms for your ads, to measuring the success of the ad campaigns, we cover everything.

5. Evolution of Digital Advertising

To understand where digital advertising is headed, we familiarize our students with the very evolution of digital advertising – from when the first banner ads appeared in 1994 to the personalized ads we see today.

6. Advantages of Digital Advertising

There are a number of advantages to digital advertising – low cost, high ROI, easy to measure, precise targeting, and so on.

7. How You Pay in Digital Advertising

The different paying systems that fall under digital advertising are introduced: CPM – Cost Per Thousand Impressions, CPC – Cost Per Click, CPA – Cost Per Acquisition, CPV – Cost Per View, and CPI – Cost Per Install.

8. Major Digital Advertising Platforms

There are several ad platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook/Instagram Ads, and others. We help our students navigate them through them all.

9. Campaign Life Cycle

All the various stages of a campaign life cycle – strategy, creatives, landing pages, campaign setup, conversion tracking setup, running the campaign, and then finally optimization. Everything is made crystal clear.

10. Planning a Campaign

A good campaign must be based on a coherent idea of what you want to achieve and an understanding of how to achieve it. We help our students understand the process and how to go about planning it.

11. Creation of Landing Pages

Landing pages, learning how they function, and how to go about creating them plays a vital part in the whole digital advertising process.

Advertising with Google Ads

Google Ads

1. Introduction to Google Advertising Platform

Google Ads is a paid advertising platform that falls under a marketing channel known as pay-per-click (PPC), where you (the advertiser) pays per click or per impression (CPM) on an ad. It helps advertisers in boosting awareness and increasing sales.

2. Understanding & Setting Up Google Search Ads

Different elements of a Google Search campaign – the goal, KPIs, budget and bids, landing pages, features and the messages that need to be relayed, keywords, and the ads that need to be created – we train our students in every aspect.

3. Understanding & Setting Up Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads are created on the Google Display Network and are partially automated with responsive ads. To create them, simply enter your ad text, then add your images and logo, and Google will optimize your ads to improve performance. We teach our students to make the best use of Google Display Ads.

4. Understanding & Setting Up Google Video Ads

As the appeal of videos is only going up each year, the dependence on Google Video Ads to help get users in getting a better understanding of the goods or services in question is only increasing. We prepare our students for carrying out successful Video Ads campaigns.

5. Understanding & Setting Up Google Discovery Ads

To help students in readying themselves for an opportunity where ‘placement’ of the ad plays a vital role, Google Discovery Ads is introduced. These ads depend on what the user is actively interested in, based on signals such as videos the user watches on YouTube or content the user follows on Discover.

6. Understanding & Setting Up Google Shopping Ads

Shopping is an extremely personal choice and varies from user to user. When it comes to displaying such content, Google displays ads containing information on the sort of products that a user is usually interested in based on their searches. We equip our students to know how to run such a campaign and get the best results.

7. Understanding Google Ads Measurement & Optimization

We educate our students to help them in learning how to translate your marketing objectives into measurable actions, set up tracking to effectively measure sales, app downloads/installs, and/or leads. By the end of our module on Google Ads, they’re able to fully understand how to analyze and act on insights from the conversion tracking data.

Advertising with Facebook Ads

1. Introduction to Facebook Advertising Platform

With over 2.3 billion active users, Facebook has the highest number of users on a single platform. It helps in delivering to your target audience and get easy access to multiple factors such as location, interests, demographics, etc. Coupling these factors with the advanced targeting options it provides, Facebook Ads always get advisers the results they want.

2. Difference Between Google Ads and Facebook Ads

Understanding the difference between the two is paramount since it will actively reflect in their work. The main difference is how products/services are shown to consumers.

Facebook shows ads to users based on their interests, while Google shows relevant ads to those who are specifically searching for a product. Essentially, Facebook focuses more on brand outreach, Google focuses on lead generation.

3. Components of Facebook Advertising Platform

Ads on Facebook are managed by Facebook Ads Manager. We help students in familiarizing themselves with its various components. From how to create and edit Facebook Ads, to reporting, understanding the performance of each ad, and taking help of other useful features and the relevant resources, we teach everything.

4. Creating and Configuring Facebook Pixel & Custom Conversions

Facebook Pixel works by dropping a cookie that will track visitors on your website so you can reach out to them later, also known as retargeting. Once you advertise to people that have been on your website, you can also use the Facebook Pixel to track their behavior when they’re back on your website.

Custom conversions let you create rules for events or URLs. When you create these rules, you can measure more specific customer actions. Further, you can also use custom conversions to optimize your ad delivery and reach people who are most likely to take the actions you care about.

5. Targeting Options in Facebook Ads

The better the targeting, the better the traffic and ultimately, sales. Facebook’s advanced targeting system helps you cut through the noise to find your ideal customer. You can target super specifically, like by the amount of education or income. Other targeting options include age, location, gender, job title and much more.

6. What are all the Places Where Your Ads Appear

Depending on the objective you choose when you create your campaign, your ads can appear on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and audience network. We help our students in determining how different campaigns require different places.

7. Various Campaign Types

Different campaigns can be carried out using different options. There are a number of objectives you can choose from to carry out different campaigns, such as brand awareness, reach, traffic, lead generation, video, Facebook conversions, and so on.

8. How to Setup a Facebook Campaign

Right from finding your ideal customer, selecting Facebook Ad targeting options, setting up retargeting, troubleshooting and optimization, and scaling your campaigns, we teach our students everything.

9. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Brand Awareness & Reach Campaigns

Just choose ‘brand awareness’ in the objective, set up your audience targeting, select ad placements, upload the ad creatives, and then publish your campaign. After that, it’s all about monitoring the campaign.

10. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Traffic Campaign

Traffic campaigns drive traffic to your website, landing page or ecommerce store. This is one of the most common ad types you’ll see on Facebook. This campaign type is specific to software apps and only works on mobile.

11. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Engagement Campaign

The engagement objective is designed to get more people to see and engage with your Facebook post or Page. With engagement as your objective, you can create ads that boost your posts or promote your page (increase the number of likes).

12. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Video Campaign

Facebook video campaigns or Facebook Stories ads are full-screen, vertical ads that appear between organic Facebook Stories to educate the target audience.

13. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Lead Generation Campaign

On Facebook, you can create campaigns using a ‘Lead Generation’ objective that allows consumers to fill in a form, called an “Instant Form”, with their contact information. And voila, you have a new lead!

14. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Messages Campaign

Hitting them upright in their inboxes is a highly personalized and effective way to reach your target audience using Facebook Ads.

15. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Conversions Campaign

It works in a manner that website conversion ads work with the Facebook pixel on your website, so you can reach site visitors who are most likely to take your desired action, and keep track of how many people convert.

16. How to Connect Your Ecommerce Store to Facebook

Facebook also acts as an excellent platform to promote one’s business and we help our students learn just how to do that.

17. Understanding & Setting Up Facebook Catalog Sales Campaign

As you might have understood, Facebook offers a variety of Ad objectives and there is one that says ‘Catalog Sales’. It helps those users who are using paid media to promote an e-commerce business, catalogs and product feeds.

18. Understanding Facebook Ads Measurement & Optimization

This section helps the advertiser in determining how well a campaign is faring on Facebook and what all changes can be made to make it even more effective. Measurement is done using the number of clicks, conversion metrics, return on ad spend (ROAS), and so on. Based on these measurements, changes are made to campaigns or ads, to optimize them and improve the effectiveness of the campaign.

Advertising with Instagram (Direct)

1. Introduction to Instagram Advertising Platform

The youth practically eats, breathes, and sleeps Instagram. Understanding how the ads work on the platform is thus very important.

2. Why You Should Consider Advertising Directly on Instagram

Apart from their widespread popularity, they are also non-intrusive and less likely to annoy your targeted audience. The engagement rate on Instagram is also higher than the engagement rate on any other social media platform.

3. Targeting Options Available on Instagram

Instagram ads use Facebook’s advertising system, which has probably the most powerful targeting ability. Owing to this, one can specify their target audience’s location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can even target people who have bought from you or interacted with you and others like them.

4. Understanding and Setting Up a Campaign

To land a campaign successfully, you’re going to need to understand what factors Instagram’s users are looking for. We help our students understand their target and then go about setting up the campaign for maximum effect.

5. Understanding Instagram Ads Measurement & Optimization

Instagram ads effectiveness can be measured with the help of click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), the average cost per click, number of clicks, and so on. In addition to this, the number of likes, comments, shares, and saves are other metrics to measure engagement.

Optimization can be done in a number of ways such as improving the targeting, promoting the best content, and so on. We explain the different ways to our students to give them a better understanding.

Why Is Our Training Program Different From Others?

Digital Ready’s mentors have been around the block for some time now, and in all this time, we’ve understood the key points that need to be addressed well. These are:

Practical Experience in Planning, Creating and Running Campaigns

Just learning about something is never enough. Students learn best by doing and that is what we always focus on. All our students individually plan, create and run their own campaigns to understand exactly how it functions.

Practical Experience in Measuring Results and Optimization

After they have launched their different campaigns, they are then asked to analyze their own campaigns and see what areas can be optimized for better performance and efficiency.

Preparation and Alignment for Certification Tests

We help our students in preparing for certifications in Facebook/Google Ads among others, apart from the one they’ll get from Digital Ready. These come in handy in not just upgrading the CVs of our students, but also boosting their confidence and opening new opportunities for them.


In the digital marketing field, you are learning something new each day and to learn something new every day, you need to make sure that your foundation is solid. At Digital Ready, we promise to provide you with just that.

Even if you walk with minimal to no knowledge of the digital advertising field, you’ll walk out a pro digital advertiser. All we ask from you is some grit and determination. Everything else? We’ve got you covered.

Source: Digital Ready

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