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HomeLawCall for Papers: Journal of Applicable Law & Jurisprudence by CALR

Call for Papers: Journal of Applicable Law & Jurisprudence by CALR

The CALR Journal of Applicable Law & Jurisprudence is accepting research/scholarly work on every legal subject matter to publish in appropriate chapters of the journal.

About CALR

Centre for Academic Legal Research (CALR) is a worldwide initiative by students of law school to fill the void present in high-quality legal research in various fields of law. There are five centres established under CALR, namely, Centre for the Study of Contemporary Legal Issues, Centre for Cyber Law, Centre for Commercial and Financial Law, Centre for Study of Dispute Resolution, and Centre for Environmental Awareness.


CALR Journal of Applicable Law & Jurisprudence (CALR | JAL&J) is a reputed international online research paper, journal, thesis and conference paper publishing subset-company under CALR headquartered at Dehradun, India.

JAL&J is a one-stop, open-access source for a large number of high quality and peer-reviewed journals in various academic domains. JAL&J has an extensive Editorial Board with renowned policymakers, academics and senior editors from across the globe.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Subject Matter – The CALR Journal of Applicable Law & Jurisprudence accepts research/scholarly work on every legal subject matter. The editorial board, upon the review of the work, sorts the paper into the appropriate chapters such as CSCLI, CCFL, CSDR, CTL & CEA.
  2. Submission must be in form of descriptive, analytical or critical analysis of the particular subject matter.
  3. The submission should reflect original, unpublished work and not under review on any other platform. A maximum similarity of 15% is allowed. Non-adherence to this rule shall result in the rejection of the research/scholarly work summarily without any chance of revision.
  4. Submission must ideally be limited to a length of 3000 words to 7000 works, inclusive of abstract. Every research/scholarly work shall consist of a limited 300 to 400 words abstract.
  5. Format – Submissions should be made only in Microsoft Word (.docx) format. The submission should adhere to the following formatting style. Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5” (For endnotes Font size: 10, Line spacing: 1”)
  6. Relevant sources such as judgments, laws, treaties, news article and other legal texts must be added as hyperlinks in-text (if possible) but must contain proper citations adhering to the uniform Bluebook 20th Edition citation style.
  7. The submission should have an informative title. If the author wishes the editorial board to assign a title, the author should inform the same in the body of the mail.
  8. All submissions to be sent to calr.jalj[a]

About the Established Centres

Centre for Study of Contemporary Legal Issues (CSCLI) established under CALR seeks to provide numerous insights and views into contemporary legal issues and encourage conversation about the same. It aims at updating the readers with minute nuances of the latest developments in the field of Constitutional, Civil, Criminal and International Humanitarian Laws, thereby generating a cross current of ideas on emerging topics. It showcases contemporary issues and challenges specific to law, with an interdisciplinary approach towards assimilating knowledge.

Centre for the Study of Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution is a term that refers to a number of processes that can be used to resolve a conflict, dispute or claim. Dispute resolution may also be referred to as alternative dispute resolution, appropriate dispute resolution, or ADR for short. It is becoming the primary function of the legal corporate world. Parties often find themselves at dispute, which needs to be addressed. Centre for the Study of Dispute Resolution follows the latest development in the said field, to bring the readers the idea of mastering managing a dispute.  

Center for Technology Law

Center for Technology Law (CTL) is a department under the project CALR that aims to cover under its ambit all the interconnection of law and technology—taking up a vast number of issues under its wings, from blockchain technology, national and international cyber laws with a keen focus on the Indian scenario, along with legal integration of new and upcoming technology in the physical world. All this is directed towards escalating awareness in the direction of techno-legal interplay.

Centre for Commercial and Financial Law

The Centre for Environment Awareness (CEA) established under CALR seeks to engage in contemporary academic discussions surrounding environmental laws and judicial discourse. The idea behind the Centre for Environment Awareness is to work towards bringing about a shift from anthropocentric attitude to an ecocentric approach through the means of academic writing and deliberations on significant enviro-legal topics. The interplay of law and environment in India has allowed for prominent changes in the way the environmental rights are perceived and the Constitution of India is one among the few constitutions in the world to imbibe rights relating to the environment within it.  

Centre for Commercial and Financial Law

Centre for Commercial and Financial Law (CCFL) established under CALR as one of its departments. The main objective of CCFL is to promote learning and research in the field of the commercial and financial law segment. This centre deals in Competition Law, Banking law, Insolvency Law, Taxation Law, Companies Law, Labour Law and various other laws in the field of commercial and financial law. CCFL aims to provide broader understanding of Commercial and Financial law to readers by the way of weekly newsletters, research articles and case analysis. CCFL is also concerned with tracking of national and international changes in the field of Commercial and financial law.

Prizes & Awards

Certification will be awarded upon publication under CALR | JALJ.

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Disclaimer: WEF April, 2021, Lawctopus will not publish any ‘Call for Papers/Blogs’ by journals that charge money at the time of submission. If you find any journal doing so, please intimate us at tanuj.kalia[at]

Source: Lawctopus

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