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HomeHealthHow Cancer Survivors Can Deal With Post-Treatment Emotions

How Cancer Survivors Can Deal With Post-Treatment Emotions

Contributed by: Anjali Sharma


Friends and family of a cancer survivor may expect them to return to their former selves and routines after the cancer treatment is through.

They’re probably unaware that the cancer experience can have a long-lasting and lingering impact on a cancer survivor.

They can feel gloomy, nervous, let down, or even afraid instead of being delighted or pleased.

A cancer patient not only fights the physical effects of the illness but also has to fight all the negative thoughts which haunt them throughout the treatment process. 

Here we have explained some common emotions that are experienced after the treatment of cancer.

If you or any of your known who is a cancer survivor is going through the same then you can talk to them and make them feel positive.

Your support and care can help them to recover mentally. 

The feeling of sorrow, grief, and anger

People who have gone through cancer treatment can experience post-traumatic stress.

This means that the person is feeling shocked, fearful, helpless, or horrified about cancer and issues related to it.

Some people may overcome the stress and negative thoughts over time but in some cases, these constant thoughts and feelings may result in depression

You need to communicate to your doctor about these feelings and take medication or therapy whichever suits you.

Early diagnosis helps in acting upon the issue and treatment can be started before it’s too late.

The feeling of confusion and fear

A person gets deeply affected by cancer. It makes them fearful and confused all the time about their recovery and treatment.

Most cancer survivors have some level of anxiety. They could be worried before medical follow-up appointments.

For example, a significant date, such as the day of diagnosis or the date of treatment completion, may elicit emotions of fear. 

A care plan might help you feel more at ease by letting you know what to expect.

Keeping one’s attention on the present might be beneficial for certain survivors.

This method of therapy can help you avoid worrying about things that may or may not happen.

Ways to deal with post-treatment emotions

Remember, throughout this traumatic journey, you have support from friends, family, and your medical staff during chemotherapy and radiation.

Even if you’re in remission or have been informed you’re cured, you still need help.

Experts agree that having someone to talk to about your concerns and frustrations is critical.

It will make you feel less alone by reminding you that you are loved and are healing.

Here are some ways that can help you and your loved ones to get rid of such depressing thoughts and emotions.

Therapy sessions

With the help of a therapist or counsellor, you will be able to sort out your emotional feelings.

Your therapist can provide you with practical suggestions to help you relax. Request a reference from your cancer doctor (oncologist) or general physician for a good therapist.

Peer counsellors and support groups

Peer counsellors are persons who have had your type of cancer and can share their experiences with you.

Even after your treatment is finished, most cancer centres around the country provide support groups and other free activities to help you deal with your feelings.

A therapist, peer counsellor, or support group can be referred to you by your oncologist, nurse, or another member of your cancer care team.

Spiritual and religious faith 

The path of spirituality always works with a source of positivity. Having faith in God makes you feel positive and enlightened.

You will be able to restart your life afresh once you make spirituality a habit. 

Stay well informed about your body and recovery 

Always be curious about yourself. Inquire with your doctor about ways to reduce the stress of your cancer recovery.

Look for other strategies to improve your physical and emotional well-being. 

Reduce your stress levels by exercising and doing things you enjoy.

Taking action might help you reclaim your sense of control. That will go a long way in making you feel better. 

Final thoughts

You should be very open to trying new things and strategies that can help you go through the after-effects of cancer treatment. 

You need to be patient and try to get in touch with people who make you feel positive, be it a friend, mentor, colleague or family member. 

After the cancer treatment, it takes a good course of time to recover mentally and physically so follow these basic steps to make the journey stress free. 

Also, it’s a good move to take periodic health checks to keep an eye out on your overall well-being as you resume the journey to normalcy, cancer-free!

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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