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HomeHealthYou Should Be Eating Digestive Enzymes – Here Are 6 Foods High...

You Should Be Eating Digestive Enzymes – Here Are 6 Foods High in Them

Contributed by: Rachana Arya


Your body needs digestive enzymes to break down the macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fats from the foods you eat

These compounds aid digestion and nutrient absorption. They are secreted by various glands in your stomach, small intestines, pancreas, and oral cavity.

After you eat, they break down nutrients into small usable units so that they can be easily absorbed into your bloodstream and then used for energy.

Needless to say, enzymes are important – extremely important.

Major problems with an enzyme deficient diet

When there aren’t sufficient enzymes present to properly break down food, nutrients aren’t absorbed properly leading to large chunks of undigested food staying in your intestinal tract for months, where it can actually rot or decay.

This can cause disruption of the gut balance and a compromised immune system.

Even slight enzyme deficiencies can cause digestive strain, amplify existing issues, and contribute to a medley of any of the following uncomfortable GI symptoms:

    • Bloating
    • Constipation
    • Cramping
    • Gas
    • Diarrhoea
    • Foul-smelling stool
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Abdominal pain
    • Heartburn

Your body might struggle to produce enough of a digestive enzyme thereby causing digestive distress and malabsorption in certain health conditions like:

8 ways to promote enzyme balance

The good news is that it is possible to replenish your enzyme levels through simple dietary changes. These may include:

Natural sources of enzyme-rich foods

It is a well-known fact that what you eat has the biggest impact on digestive health.

You can give your digestive system a hand by eating foods that are naturally high in providing fundamental enzymes used in triggering your body’s metabolism.

Make sure your diet includes the below enzyme-rich foods:


The tropical papaya fruit contains proteolytic enzymes. This enzyme is great for breaking down protein into amino acids and peptides that can be either absorbed or your body can more easily use.

Papaya also contains papain, and it is this enzyme identified in the crude papaya which breaks down protein into amino acids.

Studies suggest that raw, unripe papaya could potentially ease common IBS symptoms like bloating and constipation.


Pineapple contains a mixture of protease enzymes called bromelain.

These enzymes break down protein into its building blocks, including amino acids. 

Historically, pineapple has been used to treat digestive issues.

There is varied scientific evidence surrounding the effectiveness of using bromelain in effectively reducing inflammation caused by infection and injuries. 


Known for their potassium content, bananas are also a good source of two digestive enzymes — amylases and glucosidases.

Both of these enzymes break down complex carbs into smaller and more easily absorbed sugars.

A study found that consuming two bananas each day over a period of two months can lead to an increase in healthy gut bacteria and significantly less bloating.


This tropical fruit contains the digestive enzyme amylases, which turns carbs into easy-to-absorb sugars like maltose and glucose.

As with bananas, the digestive enzymes in mangoes actually increase as the fruit starts to ripen.


This wonder fruit is packed with the digestive enzyme lipase. 

Lipase helps break down fat in foods into glycerol and fatty acids that are easier for your body to absorb.

For a quick dose of enzymes, add avocados to your smoothie or top your salad with cubed pieces.


Ginger contains the digestive enzyme zingibain, a protease that breaks down protein in the digestive system.

Ginger is associated with an increase in the production of other digestive enzymes like amylases and lipases in the body.

Research shows it may also help in stimulating a stalled GI tract.

Eating or drinking foods with ginger have been shown to help food pass through the digestive tract and boosts the body’s own production of digestive enzymes.

Final thoughts

There is no doubt that enzymes are crucial in achieving and sustaining healthy health.

They are the life force and workforce of the human body. The underlying cause of almost all degenerative diseases has been associated with the depletion of the enzyme supply.

You will have issues if your enzyme supply is low. However, if your enzyme supply is sufficient, you will be in good health.

To be at your very best, it is important to make sure that the enzymes you choose are whole-food based that are enzymatically alive.

Also, it’s best to opt for periodic stomach screening to stay on top of your gut health and keep your digestive system at optimum levels. 

Book The Healthy Stomach Test Today!

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