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HomeLawINTERVIEW: Experience of Interning at DSLSA with Arthana

INTERVIEW: Experience of Interning at DSLSA with Arthana

This interview has been taken by Nikhil Pal, Campus Leader at Lawctopus and second-year learner at Law Centre 2, faculty of law, Delhi University. 

Please introduce yourself to our readers, Arthana.

Hello Readers, thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. I am Arthana Bhramha, a dedicated second-year student at the law center-2, University of Delhi. I completed my graduation in English Honors from Gargi college, University of Delhi. I completed my winter internship with Delhi State Legal Service Authority. 

Recently I have joined hands again with DSLSA for an outreach program which is a door-to-door campaign in rural areas of Delhi. 

Your source of inspiration or your driving force for law as a career?

The reason behind pursuing Law and choosing the same as my career is because I feel the law is not just a profession but is about rights, justice, and understanding of human behavior and society for the betterment of society.

How do you get admission to Delhi University law school, what is the exam pattern and how do you prepare for this? 

Getting admission to Delhi University was not so tough for me. All I needed was motivation and belief in myself. I prepared for it through YouTube. YouTube has always been my big helping hand from where I clear my basic concepts for better understanding lastly I solved last year’s papers daily to check on myself. 

What was your plan on doing in the near and distinct future?

My future plan after graduation is clear and sorted, I will go for the judiciary.

Tell us about your internship experience?

Due to the pandemic, at the very last minute, my internship with DSLSA took place in an online mode, yet it was very experiencing and promoting towards the real world of law. I feel the application of the law in theory and practice are two very different concepts.

The internship gave us the opportunity to experience how police stations, and prison management work, and also it taught us about children’s and women’s rights. We also interacted with judges to know about the loopholes in the framing of suits.

Note:- DSLSA is Delhi State Legal State Authority which provides free and competent legal aid in the nature of counseling and legal advice as well as free legal services to one who cannot afford the fees for the procedure of the cases.

What subject do you like the most? And what is the reason to be liked?

I find laws relating to Criminology and Gender Justice are something that people from all over can connect to. Even today, there are many injustices that take place, it can be intentional or may be unknowingly, even by the ones who are well educated because this is so deep-rooted in us from the very start. I feel gender justice is a step forward for the betterment of our society.

What would your 3 biggest pieces of advice be for new law students entering this field?

The only syllabus is not enough, try to gain extra knowledge through reading case laws, judgments, findings, research papers, reports, etc.

Law being a practical course try to learn as much as you can as nobody is going to spoon-feed you in your internship.

If you are pursuing law as a career that will give you good financial strength just after your degree, then change your mindset and work accordingly. It requires 3 to 5 years of work experience to earn a decent amount of money.

Parting advice to our readers? 

My best parting advice to readers is that before becoming a lawyer become a good human.  

Source: Lawctopus

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