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HomePoliticsWoman being attacked in viral video a victim of land dispute, not...

Woman being attacked in viral video a victim of land dispute, not Hindu from Pakistan

New Delhi: An 80-second video of a woman being brutally punched, dragged and kicked by several people has gone viral on social media with many claiming the victim in the clip is a Hindu and that the incident took place in Pakistan.

The video was initially shared on Twitter by news channel Zee Hindustan Saturday. In the tweet, the channel alleged that atrocities continue to take place on Hindus in Pakistan and the minority community was not being heard in the country.

The video was retweeted more than 4700 times, including several verified handles.

Actor Manoj Sinha, while retweeting the original Zee Hindustan video wrote, “Ever since Pakistan was created, such atrocities are happening there on Hindus. But no one will speak on this. Because it doesn’t suit their agenda ”

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) national spokesman Vinod Bansal also reshared the clip with a remark, saying “on one hand Afghanistan has prohibited women from studying abroad, on the other hand Hindu women are being targeted in Pakistan”.

“Anti-women mentality of jihadis can’t change,” said Bansal in the tweet.

Founder of the group ‘Humanitarian Aid International’, Sudhnashu S Singh, wrote that global bodies “need to take cognisance of the atrocity on minorities in Pakistan” and they should be sternly asked to take proper action.

The Hindu population of Pakistan makes up a small minority of about 1.96 million, or 1.2 per cent, of the total population. An overwhelming majority of the Hindus (96 per cent of the total Hindu population in Pakistan) live in rural areas of Sindh province.

Fact Check

Though the viral clip is from Pakistan, the woman being severely tortured, including seen beaten with a cane, is not a Hindu.

According to a Dawn report, an altercation took place between two women, belonging to rival groups over a land dispute case. The name of the victim was Munawar Kanwal.

The incident took place in Pakistan’s Sialkot and the video, which surfaced in January 2022, had also gone viral on social media on the other side of the border.

The victim had said that the incident arose due to a “land dispute” which spanned over 13 years.

While giving details about the incident, the woman told, “The culprits banged my house door, forced their way in and dragged me through the streets to the public square where they tortured me”.

A case was registered against 15 suspects and nine, including four women, were arrested by Sialkot police.

(In collaboration with SM Hoaxslayer) 

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Source: The Print

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