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HomeDigital Marketing50 Reasons to Choose Digital Ready for Your Digital Marketing Course in...

50 Reasons to Choose Digital Ready for Your Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad

Everyone says they are the best at what they do or like to believe that they are. But how many go to the trouble of actually putting together a list to prove that they’re really worth their mettle? The answer is … us!

So, here’s 50 reasons (right off the top of our head) that will help you in making the right decision and choosing us as the place to learn digital marketing from: 

1. Over Six Years of Excellence

We have been at this for the past six years now, actually a bit longer, and we’re still going strong. Our love for digital marketing and the immense potential it has is what keeps us fueled and encourages us to impart knowledge to all our students.

2. Highly Skilled Mentors

An academy is only four walls, or a zoom link, without quality mentors holding the fort. At Digital Ready, we handpick our mentors and ensure that we choose only the best for our students. All our mentors are highly skilled and constantly upskilling so that they can teach the students to the best of their abilities. 

3. Power-Packed Curriculum

Our course curriculum is put together by highly experienced professionals from around the world, and we are constantly updating it to meet the growing demand. The entire course knowledge base is kept on the website and the required level of access is given to each student who enrolls.

4. Super Interactive Learning

Gone are the days when lectures were just about the teachers droning on and on, and students just taking notes. We believe in interactive learning where the conversation is both-sided and ensures that everyone feels heard. This is the reason why we don’t have more than 15-20 students in a batch. 

5. 4000+ Satisfied and Happy Students

Our track record has been pretty impressive if we might say so ourselves. Each year the number of happy students has only increased and we are working hard to keep this momentum going. Do book a demo class if you feel like it, there are no charges and we’ll be more than eager to answer any queries that you might have.

6. Tailor-made Courses

Our classes are full of life, interactive learning and are spaces that mold themselves to the needs of the student. We have a lot of different courses that have been designed keeping in mind the different needs of different people. 

7. Paid Internship Program

Learning is done best by doing. The more you do, the more you apply your concepts, the better you learn. A primary reason why we have internships, paid ones of course, for all our students after they complete their course. 

8. 100% Placement Assurance 

From preparing them for interviews to getting some of the best companies out there on board, we do it all for our students. If you choose us, rest assured that you’ll leave with an offer letter in hand (after you successfully complete the course).

9. Global Certifications

You become a certified digital marketer and get a certificate from not just Digital Ready, but also certifications from Google, HubSpot, among others. 

10. High Impact Learning Environment

In order to learn properly, you need the right environment. By high-impact learning environment, we mean that our well-trained mentors know how to make sure that each student who is a part of their class is learning effectively. 

11. Pure Practical Training

While theory is important, the significance of practical training can’t be stressed enough. Our course has been structured in a way that requires students to not just learn the concepts but apply them as well. This further enhances their learning experience. 

12. Online and Offline Options

Owing to the pandemic, it has become vital to minimize mobility. This is why our courses are not just available offline, but online as well. So for those who don’t find it feasible to travel right now, learning right from the comfort of your homes is also an option. 

13. Situated at Prime Locations in Hyderabad

While our head office is in Madhapur, Hyderabad, we have another branch in Dilsukhnagar as well. Not just that, we have another branch all the way in Indirapuram, Delhi. Only the most accessible spots for our students. Do drop us a message or email us at [email protected] if you have any questions. 

14. Impeccable Training Methods

Our training methods have proven to be highly effective time and again because we are continuously improving ourselves and adapting our methods to suit the learning capacity of the student. 

Further, we ensure that every new thing that we teach is applied practically by our students immediately so that they can get the most out of their learning experience. 

15. Get Job Ready Within 70 Days 

This might seem like we are fibbing or something, however, this can be your reality. Our student testimonials are a testament to this fact. Do check them out if you don’t believe us. 

16. Excellent Training Partners

While it is not easy to find good training partners, we never compromise since at Digital Ready, when it comes to the quality of education, there are no stones that we’ll leave unturned. Our excellent partners are the best at what they do and are more than willing to share their secrets. 

17. Effective Assessment methods

To make this program successful, each student has to go through a pre-course assessment to validate their interest in digital marketing, communication (oral and written), analytical skills, and all other required skills. 4000+ satisfied students, remember? 

18. Great Placements 

Even though it isn’t exactly easy, Digital Ready takes care of the placement for all our students. For this process to be smooth, we nurture relationships with employers from all around the world to invite them for recruitment at the end of the program.

19. Stepping Stone for those Looking for a Career Change

According to LinkedIn, a digital marketing specialist is among the ten most demanded jobs with over 860,000 job openings. So for all those looking for a career change, this might just be your true calling.

20. Round the Clock Assistance

Our teaching and assistance isn’t just confined to class timings. In fact, even after you’ve completed the course and have any queries for us, our students are more than welcome to connect with us. Learning is, after all, a never-ending process. 

21. Start Your Own Business 

Digital marketing agencies usually charge their clients on a retainer basis, which means the business will have a consistent monthly income. Since every business has some fixed expenses, having a stable income month on month, makes such an agency a great business model.

22. Receive Expert Feedback Which Can Improve Your Performance

Our experts give the students constructive feedback which alerts an individual to an area in which his or her performance could improve. So not just feedback, but constructive feedback is vital for progress.

23. Learn to Update Yourself with the Latest Trends of Marketing 

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field since each day some new trend or technology is entering the market. So as a marketer, you need to be up-to-date with these trends and ready to learn the new ones as and when they come.

24. Discover Your Intrinsic Skills

Intrinsic skills are a key component to success in any venture. Whether finding motivation as an employee or while working on personal projects, even your health, the ways you motivate yourself using these skills make or break the effort. We help in building those.

25. Add More Value to Your CV

Digital Marketing is more competitive than before. Your resume should stand out from all the crowd to give you a chance to succeed. Adding digital marketing skills to your resume can help you land your dream digital marketing job.

26. Generate High Quality Leads for Lesser Cost

The biggest goal of any digital marketing strategy is to generate new leads that will ultimately become customers or clients. A strong digital presence is a great way to reach your audience, and learning digital marketing properly helps you there.

27. Learn to Assess and Beat the Competition

As we’ve said before, staying updated with the current market trends and trying to adapt them to your an essential part of digital marketing. In this manner, it is one such way through which you can always be one step ahead of your competitors.

28. Become Versatile

As a digital marketer, you can work from anywhere and anytime, and these limitations are even vaguer if you opt to become a freelancer. You’ll be mastering a number of skills that help you in widening your horizons and exploring new things. 

29. Learn the Latest Digital Marketing Skills

Only once you join the field, will you realize just how fast and unrelenting the industry can be. In order to thrive in the digital marketing world, your skills need to evolve continuously. We help you in developing these. 

30. Study How to Drive Better Organic Traffic

Good digital marketing practices always lead to better organic traffic. All you need to do is work hard, be consistent and ensure that you’re doing whatever you can to publish quality work. That’s all.   

31. Understand How to Make Money from the Digital World

Whether it is starting your own online business, selling freelance services, or getting a salaried job, there are plenty of ways to make money using digital marketing. We can help you in learning how to get started and get the ball rolling. 

32. Exercise your Creativity

Creativity is a muscle. And just like you work on your biceps and quads, if you want your creativity muscle to get bigger and stronger, it needs exercise. If you study digital marketing, your creative muscle will be getting a lot of exercise since there is so much content that needs to be produced. 

33. Study At a Pace that Suits your Schedule 

Be it crash courses, weekday/weekend classes, or long-term courses, we have them all. This has been done to ensure that our students can choose whatever suits them the best and not compromise on other things to get quality digital marketing training.

34. Carefully Designed Tasks which Can Strengthen Your Learning

Training will be conducted by highly experienced industry professionals and with guest lecturers from industry experts. Students will be given a set of practical assignments, upon completion they will be assessed and given grades to enhance their learning process.

35. Improve Your Confidence to Attend Interviews or Client Meetings 

Projecting confidence in a job interview can be just as important as showing your skills and demonstrating your unique qualifications. It is important to practice the way you communicate confidence and professionalism, and we provide training in this regard as well.

36. Personal Mentoring by Experts

Mentor-mentee relationships have the power to transform lives and close the skills gaps in a sustainable fashion. This is why we have industry experts on board to share their mantra to see life and claim what one can deserves from life.

37. Award-Winning Mentors

Digital Ready’s co-founder and Chief Mentor Chiranjeevi Maddala, is an award-winning digital marketing professional with over 17 years of experience in Marketing. Through Digital Ready, he wants to create more talented digital marketers. 

38. Backed By an International Edtech Company

Digital Ready is the property of Ready Mediacom Private Limited, an international edtech company that is dedicated to providing its students with quality education. 

39. Inculcate Soft Skills

Soft skills, such as your communication skills, help you work more effectively in your chosen career, build solid professional relationships, and navigate challenges that arise on the job and Digital Ready helps you in improving them.

40. Emphasis on Design Thinking

The Design Thinking process involves developing a sense of empathy towards the people you are designing for, to gain insights into what they need, what they want, how they behave, feel, and think. We ready you to articulate your thoughts in this manner.

41. Build Your Project Management Skills

Digital marketing is filled with marketing strategies and to execute those strategies, you need amazing project management skills. And we help you in developing them.

42. Goal-Oriented Learning

According to research, goal orientation as a motivational variable is extremely useful for recruitment, climate and culture, performance appraisal, and choice. Guess what we employ?

43. Emphasis on Building a Marketer Mindset

Training your mind can make all the difference. It is the foremost and one of the most pivotal steps in achieving anything in life. When it comes to building a marketer’s mindset, it is best inculcated in the presence of other marketers.

44. Focus on Building a Portfolio

A portfolio that showcases all your good work immediately increases your chances of getting hired since it lends an air of credibility to your skills. We help all our students in building quality portfolios.

45. Improvement of the Personal Brand of the Student

We don’t just assist you in learning how to build brands from the ground up, but also encourage your overall growth so that in this process, you establish your personal brand as well.

46. Life-long Backup Video Access

You can access your classroom sessions from anywhere, anytime. Learning has never been easier and more accessible.

47. Life-long Study Material Access

All our study material is available to you, forever and ever so that you can go back and brush up on your basics anytime you want.

48. Future Support with Jobs and Entrepreneurship

Not just classroom training, but we also provide job assistance as well as consulting services for startups, corporates, and small businesses on creating digital marketing strategies.

49. Guest Lectures by Industry Experts

Guest Lecturers add that extra zing to the students’ knowledge bank so that they can get better insights into the industry and how it functions.

50. Opportunity to Work with International Projects in Internship

All of our students go through internships with our network of companies that give them the opportunity to work on international projects and get the required exposure. 

Want to read more such content? Check out our Blog section. Also please check our Digital Marketing Course and take your first step towards becoming a Digital Marketer. 

Source: Digital Ready

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