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HomeFoodSprouted Ragi Powder for Babies

Sprouted Ragi Powder for Babies

Homemade Sprouted Ragi Powder Recipe with step by step pictures. This is the Baby Ragi Powder Recipe which is made using Sprouted Ragi. Learn How to Make Ragi Flour at Home for babies.


Sprouted Ragi Powder for Babies

This is the powder which i was talking about here. Now i have this handy and never go back to store bought ones. This powder is great when you are starting your baby to solid foods. Homemade powder is good and preservatives free, so you know what you are feeding your baby. 

Ragi is very healthy for babies, it is filling and help your baby gain weight in a healthy way.

How to introduce solid food to your baby: Read this

sterilize baby feeding bowls:

  1. Start by sterilizing the bowls and spoons which you are going to feed your
  2. Take the bowl and spoon in a large saucepan, cover it with water and bring them to a boil.
  3. Boil it rapidly for 5 mins.
  4. Now you can turn the heat off and leave them stay in the hot water till use.

How to make Sprouted Ragi Powder at Home (for babies)

Cleaning & Soaking Ragi

To make fresh ragi porridge. Start by washing fresh ragi by rubbing with your hands in lots and lots of water to get rid of dirt and other ucky stuff. Do this step at least 4 to 5 times to make sure that your ragi is absolutely clean. Now soak them in fresh clean water overnight.

Sprouting Ragi

Next morning drain it. Now take a colander and line it with a clean white cheese cloth or muslin cloth. Transfer the ragi in the cloth and tie it up.  Now place in a cold and dark place and leave it undisturbed for 12 to 15 hours. I leave it for a whole day.

Next day morning, you can see small sprouts coming out from ragi. Now spread the ragi in a clean cloth or plate and dry it under fan or sunlight for 5 to 6 hours till it is completely dry.

Roasting Ragi

Now heat a large kadai. Add the dried ragi in it and roast on a very low flame till it is lightly toasted. Remove it to another big plate and allow it to cool down.

Making Ragi Powder

Now give this to mill and powder it finely. If you have a powerful blender you can powder it at home, do it in small batches. It will take long time to powder the ragi. After you powder it pass it through a fine sieve. Allow it to cool down and store in a air tight container.

Storing Ragi Powder

You can store the ragi powder in cupboard. But for safety purpose i store it in fridge. 


Sprouted Ragi Flour for Babies

Homemade Sprouted Ragi Powder Recipe with step by step pictures. This is the Baby Ragi Powder Recipe which is made using Sprouted Ragi. Learn How to Make Ragi Flour at Home for babies.

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Prep Time 10 mins

Cook Time 15 mins

Total Time 25 mins

Course Basics

Cuisine Indian

Servings 2 cups




Sprouted Ragi powder Recipe Step by Step Pictures

Take your ragi
Pour water in them
Use your hands to rub
so the dirt will come on top
Drain off the water, repeat this for 4 to 5 times
Cover the ragi with fresh clean water
Cover the bowl and soak it overnight
This is how it looks the next morning, drain it
See the difference
Now to sprout the ragi, take a colander
Line it with clean white cloth, like a cheese cloth
Pour the drained ragi in it
tie it up and leave it undisturbed for 12 to 15 hours
See the tiny sprouts..Now spread the ragi on
a big plate and dry it sun or under fan overnight..
Next day, heat a large kadai
The heat should be very low
Add the dried ragi in the kadai
Roast on a very low flame
Till it is toasted
Allow it to cool down
Give it to mill and powder it or if you have
powerful blender powder it,It will take long
time to powder
this at home, so i gave it to mill and powdered it.

Ragi Porridge with Homemade Sprouted Ragi powder

Ragi Porridge using Homemade Ragi Power with step by step pictures. This recipe is very healthy for babies and adults alike. Ragi can be given to babies as early as they start on solids.

For few days i was making ragi porridge using fresh ragi. Then i came across making homemade ragi powder recipe at home and immediately gave it a shot. And many of you asked for that recipe, so here it is. 


Ingredients for Ragi Porridge

  • Homemade Ragi Porridge – 1 tbsp
  • Karupatti – 2 tbsp
  • Water – ¾ cup

How to Make Ragi Porridge using Homemade Ragi Powder

  1. Take a clean saucepan, add in 2 tbsp of karupatti. Now pour in ¾ cup of clean water.
  2. Heat this up and cook until the karupatti is melted.
  3. Take a clean bowl and a fine mesh strainer. Sieve the liquid through this.
  4. Now add a tbsp of homemade ragi powder in the liquid and mix well so no lumps are formed.
  5. I washed the saucepan and sieve well in the meantime.
  6. Now pour this liquid again through the sieve in the saucepan.
  7. Heat this on a low flame stirring continuously.
  8. Cook this for around 4 to 5 mins till the ragi is cooked and thicken.
  9. Take it off the heat, allow it to cool down and transfer it to feeding bowl or feeding bottle and feed your baby.

Ragi Porridge Recipe Step by Step

Add in some water
Once it is dissolved
Take a clean bowl and a fine sieve
Pour the ragi water through the sieve
Now this is strained karupatti water
Add some ragi powder
mix to dissolve
I washed the sauce pan and sieve again
Now strain the ragi mixture again into the sauce pan
Now time to make porridge
Heat it on a low heat
keep stiring
Cook for 4 to 5 mins on low flame till it gets thick

Tips & Tricks

1)The consistency of the porridge which you make totally depends on you. You
can make it too runnier and pour it bottles and feed your baby or make
it little thicker and feed your baby using a spoon.

2) I use panakarkandu or karupatti as sweetner. This is how i do. Take a small piece of karupatti or a piece of panakarkandu in a saucepan, add some water in it and heat it up till it is melted. Then i strain that and add ragi powder in it, strain again and cook them together.  Karupatti strengthens your baby bones. Panakarkandu helps prevending cold for your babies. You can even mix up a small piece of both.

3)If you feed a good bowl of this for your baby. Your baby will sleep peacefully for a good 2 to 3 hours. It is that filling.

4)Cook ragi properly. If you didn’t cook it properly, it may cause constipation.  

5)Many people say ragi may cause constipation. But i am feeding the to my baby for 3 weeks now. And she is passing stool daily.  

Frequently asked questions

1)Why are you sprouting ragi?

Ragi with skins are little hard for digestion. So sprouting the ragi will make it easier to digest. And also sprouted grains are more healthy and nutritious for your baby.

2)Is roasting the ragi necessary?

Roasting ragi ensures that it dries off the last bit of moisture from ragi and ensure for a longer shelf life of the ragi. Mean while, you have to roast the ragi on a very low flame and for a minimum time.

3)Is it necessary to store ragi in fridge?

I recommend you to store ragi in fridge. Because i am scary cat of handling homemade stuff. I always have concern that homemade stuff should be always be handled carefully because it can get spoiled so easily. So i always keep homemade powder, masala, pickles, jams in fridge to make sure it is always fresh.

4)My ragi is not sprouting even after a day?

Ragi don’t sprout so big, you can only see small sprouts in it. And you have to keep the ragi undisturbed in a dark and cool place to make it sprout. You should not peek into it often.

5)Can we grind ragi at normal blender at home?

Grinding ragi at normal domestic blender can take lots of time. It makes the blender gets over heated. So if you want to grind ragi at home, then grind it in small batches. Leave sometime if the machine gets over heated. After you make it into fine powder, sieve it through a fine sieve and allow it to cool down. Once the powder has cooled store it in an air tight container.

Source: Yummy Tummy

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