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All Set for New Year 2023 – It’s a New You Year, Build a New You!

Are you ready to welcome the new year 2023?

Want to stick to a healthy diet plan? Want to get that healthy glow? The new year 2023 is your year, my friend! It is never too late, to begin with, a healthy lifestyle as it is only going to add years to your life. This New Year create a new you – give yourself a healthy New Year surprise.

How to follow a healthy routine in New Year 2023?

The first question that you must be having is how to do switch from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one and how to follow the routine through all of the New Year celebrations. Following a healthy routine is easier said than done. But if you know exactly what to do, half of your job is already done.

A healthy routine is nothing but a way of life, which includes almost everything that is healthy. Be it your food, activity, sleep, hygiene, personal relations and even your thoughts. Yes, a healthy lifestyle includes all of these things and switching to it can be very simple, once you have made your decision.

Healthy year 2023

Here are some effective ways you can follow to switch to a healthy routine:

Eat consciously– Plan balanced meals

  • Include fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, lean protein and healthy fats.
  • Set aside an exclusive place and time for your meals and follow the routine.
  • Avoid distractions, especially gadgets and television.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of water; it removes toxins and keeps you hydrated.

Be active – Choose to be active

  • Take the stairs or walk down the lane for shopping, to boost your metabolism.
  • Indulge in some form of physical exercises every day, for example, jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics or sports.
  • If nothing else works, walk for 20 to 30 minutes daily.

Sleep Well – The best part of the healthy routine; have a good night sleep

  • Adequate sleep can help you maintain healthy weight and boost your immune system.
  • It helps in healing of the body and the mind.

Breathe freely – Simple yet effective

  • Practice proper breathing techniques.
  • Breathe in maximum air and breathe out completely.

Feel good – Be generous, be positive

  • Make it a habit to do at least one good deed every day, as simple as helping an old man cross the road will help you have mental peace.
  • It not only removes negativity, makes you feel good and keeps you in the pink of health.

And the most important for you is to laugh and express yourself to stay happy and healthy. With changing trends, people are found more in the virtual world but have moved apart in the real sense. Instead of letting this loneliness get to you, move out, talk to your friends and relatives, and engage in healthy conversation. It will not only strengthen your bond but will also help you to relax your mind.

Easy quick tips to build new you in new year 2023

When you think about starting a new, healthier lifestyle, you may have a lot of queries. Most of the time, these queries become an excuse of resorting to old unhealthy measures. So here are simple and practical solutions to most of your problems. These some tips will make your new year 2023 a healthy one.

New Year 2023

Start waking up early or going to bed early, how do you do that?

Check what keeps you awake and learn ways to deal with it. Plan your day in such a way that you are able to sleep on time. Prepare your mind to wake up on time that you have decided. Make gradual changes, like, sleeping fifteen minutes early and waking up accordingly, to begin with.

  • Firstly, say bye to all gadgets at least an hour before you sleep.
  • Follow a sleep ritual – Have a bath, prepare for your sleep time and listen to soothing music or practice meditation.
  • Be physically active during the day and avoid afternoon naps.

Most importantly, avoid all stimulating activities, rigorous exercises, late dinners and caffeinated drinks in night. Stick to your schedule to maintain your biological clock – it helps you stay on a healthy routine.

New Year 2023

How do you avoid eating junk when hunger strikes?

Plan for your meals in advance and keep your lunch or snack box ready. Also pack healthy mid-meal snacks like fruits, nuts, seeds and salad. Keeping healthy snacking options handy is important to avoid eating junk when you are hungry. Avoid passing through junk food outlets when hungry, to avoid getting carried away. Remind yourself of the health risks of having junk food when hunger strikes and you are sure to win.

To avoid craving junk food, make sure you do not skip meals. Also, include all types of food, to avoid deficits and have enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

New Year 2023

How to limit alcohol intake at a social gathering?

To limit your alcohol consumption at social gathering, be prepared for the event, plan your alcohol intake beforehand and never let the fact of negative effects of alcohol on the liver leave your mind. For your New Year celebrations or any event throughout the year stick to your plan and monitor your drinking habits; take help from a close pal, if needed. Make sure you have food and water to stay hydrated and not just plain drinking. Let your near ones know that you are a light drinker and keep in mind the benefits of not drinking. Strong determination can help you limit alcohol intake.

New Year 2023

How to find some time to exercise or do some simple stretches in the day?

Plan to wake up half an hour before your schedule to make time for your workout. Even a basic warm-up, morning stretches or a short walk or jog can help. Also, while in office, be active; walk down to have a glass of water and take a short walk after your lunch. You can also perform desktop yoga in the office; stretching your neck and shoulders can help.

meals on time

How to find time to have all your meals when you are on a deadline?

To have meals on time, you have to do some healthy home work. You can get assistance if needed. It’s best to plan handy meals, if you know you would be busy on a deadline. Pack rolls or wraps with lots of veggies in a whole wheat chapatti. Prepare healthy quick bites or keep fruits and salad ready.

Remember that taking a short break from work and having meals on time can actually boost your performance rather than sticking to the work and starving yourself. This only decreases your efficiency and makes your life unhealthy.

What are the common hurdles in your way to a healthy routine this new year?

fitness hurdles

Important thing to note are the hurdles that can come in your way. They can stop you from achieving your goals and generally becomes excuses you give for your unhealthy life. But if you overcome these hurdles, there is nothing that will stop you from winning.

Some common hurdles

  • Few days of being unwell or a week long outing can sometimes throw your healthy routine off the track. The best way to deal with this is to stay determined to maintain a routine throughout, without getting disturbed by any ups and downs. Even if there has been a break, jump back to your routine at the earliest.
  • Another important point is not to ignore your body signals. Keep a watch on your symptoms, be aware and seek timely medical advice. Add yearly preventive health check-ups in your healthy routine.
  • Be careful of binge eating, emotional eating and sometimes, happy moments that call for party time. Practice relaxation techniques, deep breathing and exercise daily to beat the stress, rather than indulging in unhealthy eating habits.

These are just a few health tips you can follow to create a new you instead of wondering and questioning how to be healthy. You can be more creative and add more to it. Just look out for your needs and evaluate resources at hand. Get involved in your healthy lifestyle and you will have it. With great determination you are sure to make your new year 2023 a happy new year.

Think healthy, be healthy. Create a new you, healthy you and have a happy new year 2023!

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