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HomeHealthWorld IVF Day: Effective Tips For A Successful IVF Treatment

World IVF Day: Effective Tips For A Successful IVF Treatment

Contributed by: Anjali Sharma


Did you know that about 2 to 2.5 lac IVF cycles are done every year in India?

There is a 20 per cent of combined annual growth rate in the fertility segment over the last 5 years in India. 

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a technique for assisted reproduction in which a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm are fertilised outside the woman’s body in a lab.

A woman’s uterus is then used to deliver one or more fertilised eggs (embryos), where they can mature and are further implanted in the uterine lining. 

One must be psychologically ready before deciding to embark on this path because it is a lengthy procedure and requires constant patience and a positive attitude. 

On World IVF Day 2022, we are taking the opportunity to bring some of the most effective tips for first-time IVF parents.

The idea is to help them transition into this era of their lives and aid them in building a beautiful future with their newborns. So, here we go!

Here are a few things that first-time IVF parents should know: 

Understand the process and the best and worst-case scenarios

Start by doing some research on the Internet about IVF and by taking multiple opinions from established IVF centres near you to learn what infertility treatment is; and what is necessary at your end.

Infertility treatment is more than just IVF. The decision to use intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) depends on the male and female’s fertility assessments. 

The more you are informed about the process the more confident you become about the probable outcomes. 

You should be aware of both best and worst-case scenarios that can occur during the treatment.

In India, the success rate of IVF varies from 30 per cent to 35 per cent. Globally, the average IVF success rate is around 40 per cent, especially in young women. 

Lifestyle and nutrition review 

Before undergoing any treatment you must focus on your lifestyle and eating habits. 

According to many health studies, 30 per cent of cases of infertility include an overweight component. Obese women experience infertility three times more than non-obese women do. The good news is that by decreasing just 5 per cent of their excess weight, obese women can increase their fertility.

Male obesity also has an impact on hormones like testosterone as well as sperm count, quality, and quantity. Sperm-related problems account for around 33 per cent of cases of male infertility.

While soy consumption can boost female fertility, men, on the other hand, should stay away from soy since it might reduce sperm count.

Eat more dark leafy greens in your diet to boost ovulation and boost sperm production. Men should eat walnuts every day.

Alcohol can also affect your fertility, negatively impacting both male and female implantation and conception capabilities and capacities.

So keep a check on your lifestyle and eating habits and maintain a healthy weight to have a successful IVF.

Be ready for the side effects too 

Remember those hormone injections are a part of IVF procedures.

You may therefore encounter mood swings, cramps, pain, and other side effects.

Many doctors have emphasised that if you have excessive discomfort, you should see a doctor and not ignore it.

These physical and psychological effects can make you weak and feel negative about the procedure. But you have to be positive throughout and seek help at the right time. 

Select a reliable IVF centre

Before deciding on IVF treatment, you should determine which clinic or hospital is experienced and successful. 

Researching and selecting an ethical and popular (based on the number of successful IVF cases) IVF clinic is essential to achieve that long sought-for dream of yours.

To increase the probability of success, one must select a centre that adheres to all guidelines, is compliant with all mandated certifications, and follows to the letter all the rules set out by the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) and the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology). 

Pick a suitable time, and organise your workday around doctor appointments and treatment.

Apply the 5 T’s – Trust, talent, teamwork, time and treasure

Once you’ve decided to take the IVF route, trust the doctor for their work (talent) and work with them as a team to succeed.

The treatment requires commitment from both partners and they should strictly stick to the schedule of the treatment.

Time cannot be wasted and is a critical success factor in determining the treatment’s success.

Treatment is expensive and thus you need to plan your finances accordingly, as IVF can be financially draining. 

Final thoughts

Around 10 per cent to 14 per cent of Indians suffer from infertility, according to data from the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction.

This makes in vitro fertilisation (IVF) a rapidly accepted method of becoming a parent.

If you want to use IVF to conceive a child, then the factors mentioned above should be kept in mind which are mentioned above should be considered.

Moreover, it is always a good idea to get a regular health checkup done as it gives you complete health insight. 

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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