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HomeLawBar associations should remain independent, not depend on political parties: BBA President...

Bar associations should remain independent, not depend on political parties: BBA President Nitin Thakker

NT: Mulla & Mulla Craigie Blunt & Caroe and Little & Co had a lot of bank work. My office was next to theirs and I stated getting such work. I would draft and argue matters in court. That in a way became my specialisation.

There was a technical person who used to do arbitration matters. He was doing arbitration for Railways, and this was pre-1996 amended Act. They had to file suits and awards of governments were challenged. He started giving his work to me. Then I started getting a lot of arbitration matters. That is how I developed my practice in banking and arbitration. Little & Co had company matters.

As a junior, we couldn’t say no to any matter. At that time, all matters came to the High Court and when you were seen in court appearing in matters, other solicitors would send work. When you have somebody in the profession, it is good to an extent that you get an introduction, probably a brief or two. But if you are not upto the mark, you are not working hard, you are not showing that you have worked on the matter or your research is poor, then people will not brief you regularly.

So merely because somebody is a first-generation lawyer and, therefore, they have to struggle is not right. According to me, everyone has to struggle, which means work hard, sincerely, honestly.

In 1985, my father expired. He had chambers in the High Court annexe building along with Nani Palkhivala, Soli Sorabjee and others. After his death, I started occupying his chambers. After a year, the High Court wanted those premises, so I surrendered that chamber and moved back in Anil bhai’s chambers.I got my own chambers on October 12, 2007, and by then I was already a Senior Advocate.

Source: Barandbench

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