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HomeLaw Kerala High Court extends life of interim orders till March 16

[COVID-19] Kerala High Court extends life of interim orders till March 16

At the hearing on Monday, Advocate -General K Gopalakrishna Kurup pointed out to the Court that pursuant to a decision of the Full Bench, the Court had issued a notice on February 16 extending the provisions made in light of the surge of the Omicron wave for another month, or until the Test Positivity Rate falls to 10 per cent, whichever is earlier.

The Court has continued operating online, except for cases where the judges deem a physical hearing necessary.

The AG submitted that the current TPR is fluctuating at around 11 per cent and therefore, the Court may further extend interim orders till March 16.

As no other counsels objected to the suggestion, the Court saw it fit to do the same and review the situation again on March 15.

Source: Barandbench

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