Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeLawDalit PhD scholar moves Bombay High Court after being suspended by TISS...

Dalit PhD scholar moves Bombay High Court after being suspended by TISS for ‘anti-national activities’

Ramadas challenged the suspension order relying on the Constitution of India and the guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

He stated that students are free to form associations and express views in a democratic country.

“As per the said UGC guidelines, it is also a mandate on the university/ colleges to allow space for free exchange of ideas and public debate as to foster a culture of critical reasoning and questioning, without discrimination on the basis of their identity or politics,” the plea read.

The petitioner further said that he has excellent academic credentials and the TISS authority concocted a false narrative to portray him and vilify him.

“The TISS has infringed upon the petitioner’s rights by levelling false charges against him and have launched the impugned punitive proceedings to punish the Petitioner for his engagement in student activities and for his political views. The TISS has slandered the petitioner for attending a protest demonstration and merely for exercising his constitutional right to free speech,” it added.

Ramadas also sought direction to allow him to enter the TISS campus and restore his entitlements as a student including continuation and monthly disbursal and payment of his fellowship.

Source: Barandbench

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