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HomeLawDetailed Notes on the Principles of Natural Justice

Detailed Notes on the Principles of Natural Justice [Redirects to CLATalogue]


Principles of natural justice are fundamental legal concepts designed to ensure fairness and justice in administrative, quasi-judicial, and judicial proceedings. These principles form the cornerstone of a just legal system, providing safeguards against arbitrary actions and ensuring a fair decision-making process.

The two main principles of natural justice are the principles of audi alteram partem (hear the other side) and nemo judex in causa sua (no one should be a judge in his own cause).

Principles of Natural Justice

1. Audi Alteram Partem 

This principle basically means ‘hear the other side’.  emphasizes that no person should be condemned unheard. It ensures that all parties involved in a legal proceeding have the right to present their case, respond to the opposing party’s arguments, and provide evidence.

This principle is grounded in the idea that a fair decision can only be reached when all relevant information is considered. Failure to provide an opportunity for a fair hearing can lead to a decision being declared null and void.

2. Nemo judex in causa sua

The gist of this principle is ‘No one should be a judge in his own cause’. This principle is a fundamental tenet of natural justice and is a cornerstone of fair legal proceedings. It emphasizes the importance of impartiality and the avoidance of bias in judicial or quasi-judicial decision-making.

The principle seeks to prevent situations where a person is both a participant in a dispute and the arbiter of that dispute. Such a scenario could compromise the fairness and objectivity of the decision. The principle is applicable not only in traditional judicial settings but also in administrative and quasi-judicial proceedings. It is a fundamental element of due process and the rule of law.

3. “Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.”

“Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done” is a well-known legal maxim that underscores the importance of not only ensuring the substance of justice but also making sure that the process is transparent and perceivably fair. This principle is fundamental to the concept of natural justice and is crucial for maintaining public trust and confidence in the legal system.

The maxim implies that the judicial process should be conducted in a manner that avoids any appearance of bias, impropriety, or undue influence. This is essential for upholding the integrity of the legal system.

Landmark Cases on Principle of Natural Justice

  • Ridge v. Baldwin: The case highlighted the importance of audi alteram partem in the context of employment termination. The Chief Constable terminated the employment of a police officer without giving him an opportunity to be heard. The House of Lords held that the officer had a legitimate expectation of being heard before being dismissed, emphasizing the significance of fair procedures in employment matters.
  • Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India: The case expanded the scope of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, emphasizing the right to life and personal liberty. The court held that the procedure established by law under Article 21 must be fair, just, and reasonable. This decision reinforced the principles of natural justice in the Indian legal system.
  • Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works: The case contributed to the development of the nemo judex in causa sua principle. The defendant, a member of a local board, was involved in a case where the board imposed a fine. The court held that a person who is a party to a proceeding cannot act as a judge in the same matter, emphasizing the need for impartiality in decision-making.
  • A.K. Kraipak v. Union of India: The case emphasized the importance of the rule against bias in administrative proceedings. The court held that a decision-maker must be unbiased and not have a personal interest in the outcome of the case. This decision reinforced the nemo judex in causa sua principle in administrative law.
  • State of Orissa v. Dr. (Miss) Binapani Dei: The case reinforced the audi alteram partem principle in administrative actions affecting individuals. The court held that the principles of natural justice apply not only to quasi-judicial bodies but also to administrative authorities making decisions that affect the rights of individuals. The right to a fair hearing is a basic requirement of justice.
  • Mohinder Singh Gill v. Chief Election Commissioner: The case reinforced the audi alteram partem principle in the context of electoral disputes. The court emphasized that the principles of natural justice apply even in administrative actions that are not quasi-judicial in nature. It underscored the importance of providing a fair hearing before taking adverse actions.


Principles of natural justice are integral to the legal systems of many countries, serving as a safeguard against arbitrary decisions and upholding the principles of fairness and justice. These principles ensure that individuals have a fair opportunity to present their case, and decision-makers act without bias, contributing to the overall legitimacy of legal processes.

Source: Lawctopus

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