Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeLawEnhancing accessibility: A call for a white cane safety law in India

Enhancing accessibility: A call for a white cane safety law in India

To delve into its intriguing history, let’s journey back to 1921. James Biggs, a photographer from Bristol, lost his sight due to an accident. Faced with busy traffic near his residence, he ingeniously painted his mobility cane white to enhance its visibility. Similar narratives from various parts of the world suggest that white, due to its higher visibility, became the preferred choice for the colour of a cane. Interestingly, the first white cane ordinance was passed in December 1930 in Peoria, Illinois. This ordinance granted the right-of-way to blind pedestrians who were carrying a white cane.

Fast forward to October 6, 1964, when the United States Congress designated October 15 as ‘National White Cane Safety Day’. President Lyndon B Johnson issued the first proclamation, with the objective of raising awareness about white cane, and directing drivers to exercise caution when they see a person carrying/holding a white cane.

Source: Barandbench

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