Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLawEntry of foreign lawyers and firms will help Indian lawyers too: BCI...

Entry of foreign lawyers and firms will help Indian lawyers too: BCI tells Delhi High Court

Among the provisions being amended, the BCI says, are those pertaining to reciprocity and the fly-in, fly-out model that allows foreign lawyers to operate in India for a maximum of 60 days in any period of 12 months.

“Even “the fly in and fly out” entry has to be regulated. The Bar Council of India is proposing to make these changes in the light of observations of apex court very soon. The Bar Council of India recognizes the need for specific amendments to the current Rules and Regulations. The objective is to ensure that the principle of reciprocity is not only adhered to in writing but also in its true spirit.”

Pending consultations with stakeholders, there shall be a temporary “stalling of the processes,” BCI has assured.

Source: Barandbench

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