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Evidence of woman’s relatives in matrimonial dispute can’t be brushed aside terming them ‘interested witnesses’: Madras High Court

The judge further noted that wife had categorically stated about the incidents and her relatives had also corroborated the same and therefore there was cogent evidence on commission of offence under Section 498A.

“In the result, the criminal appeal stands dismissed as devoid of merit and substance. The trial Court is directed to secure the appellant to undergo remaining period of sentence, if any,” court observed.

Being an appellate Court, it is important to reappreciate the entire evidence independently and give the finding, Court said.

“Accordingly this Court, being an appellate Court, while re-visiting the entire evidence found the appellant guilty for the offence punishable under Section 498A of IPC and there is no sound reason or ground to interfere with the judgment of conviction made by the trial Court,” court held

Appellant was represented by Advocate K Balakrishnan while prosecution was represented by advocate S Sugendran.

Source: Barandbench

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