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HomeLawGolden Days at Kurukshetra University: Academic and Extracurricular Highlights

Golden Days at Kurukshetra University: Academic and Extracurricular Highlights

This Law School Experience has been shared by Parth Pahuja, Campus Leader at Lawctopus.

My name is Vanika. I hail from Ambala. I have recently completed my law in the month of May, 2024 from the prestigious Institute of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra under the 5-year Integrated course.

Personal Experience at Law School

My interest in law was quite sudden. Hailing from a Science background, I had never dreamt of pursuing law but a meeting with my father’s lawyer friend proved to be a  brisk turn in my journey. Then I planned to get myself enrolled with the integrated  program in law.

I appeared for entrances to different colleges. Luckily, I was able to bag a few of them including Kurukshetra University, Symbiosis University in Noida, Chandigarh University etc. Out of the list, I settled for Kurukshetra University for the preference of a Government Institution over the Private ones. 

My Academic Experience

The five years which I had during my college days were the golden days. During this time, I adorned my cap with different feathers ranging from good grades to  various internships to tackling different propositions in moot court competitions. 

During the lockdown days, I got the marvelous opportunity to work with the Haryana State Commission for Women under the guidance of Chairperson Dr. Preeti Bhardwaj where I was assigned some research work. In addition to it, I also got to witness the proceedings of the cases presented before the Commission.

I also worked with a very senior advocate in the District Courts, Ambala where I had undergone multiple stages of both civil as well as criminal proceedings and learnt some strong techniques for client counseling. This was my gateway to the real life legal field.

Apart from this, I took part in four moot court competitions. Out of which, one was part of the curriculum. I was always appreciated for being a good orator. The subject presentations added more charm to my soft skills.

Extracurricular Experience

During my journey in college, I got the opportunity to host “Vidhi Fiesta 2022”,  the Annual Law Fest of the Institute. I was a member of the core committee and  had successfully conducted “Counsel Connect”, the client counseling event.

There  were many other different types of events like rangoli, art mania, ad mad, poetry,  dance, moot court, singing. Different committees were designated for different  

events as to the smooth functioning. The Core Committee was in charge of the overall harmonious conduct throughout the event. The Event was a great success.

Challenges faced and How I Overcame It

Being someone from a non-humanities background, I struggled initially to make up with the different fields. But my parents were a great support and constant motivation throughout my legal journey. Indeed, they are today too.

Academically, my mentors were a great help to me. They were always open to our doubts and suggestions. The conducive environment of my alma mater was one of the big reasons behind my degree today.

Personal Growth at My Law School Journey

I have evolved a lot as compared to my first year. By the end of my degree, I am  more confident on the stage and have polished my communication skills which is  an oxygen for the budding lawyers.

The presentations in subjects and moot courts  were the stepping stones to my treasure chest. The clarity of legal concepts aided  me in their application in various situations and this proved to be another cherry on  my cake. 


I am always very open to new things and strive hard to brush up what all I have achieved till now.

For my legal concepts, I am determined to have regular revision schedules where I brush up my existing legal concepts. To my surprise, I always get to learn something new. I try my level best to apply them in real life.

For my communication skills, I have been giving Spoken English Classes despite  the age limit, ranging from Class 1 to working professionals. I have been aligned  with different tutoring platforms which a lot me different students.

I am indulged  in 1:1 online class where my main role is to understand the obstacles of the candidates and help them accordingly. Till now, I have aided almost 50+ people and helped them in their journey to master the art of public speaking. The modules  of tutoring include grammar, advanced vocabulary, public speaking techniques etc. 

Learning new things and polishing the already known things always excites me the most. So, here I am following my passion to be better than myself with each passing day.

Advice for the students

Considering the societal conditions today, we need more and more skilled professionals in law. The stream might seem little tangled in the beginning but with the passage of time and right direction, it becomes the most beautiful path, trodden by a person. One should always strive to be the better versions of themselves and get their hands over the legal concepts. Then, the path to success will be a sugary one.

This law school experience is a part of our experience series wherein our campus leaders share their experiences of their college. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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