Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeLawHow much do seniors pay juniors? Part I: Delhi lawyers

How much do seniors pay juniors? Part I: Delhi lawyers

Mohan, however, said that Mumbai was the most expensive city in the country, where paying ₹5,000-10,000 to a lawyer who is not from the city or from an affluent family, poses a major problem. 

It is impossible to sustain because for that amount, you won’t even find a room to share with somebody,” she added. 

She felt that Delhi was slightly better off.

It’s a lot easier to permeate and penetrate through and do matters and appear before judges, get clients, hold clients. But the problem with that is of course with an open market, there are too many of us,” said Mohan.

Mohan hopes seniors would pay a respectable sum in the light of CJI’s comments.

“When a message like this comes from the CJI, or from other senior advocates, or judges, then seniors also need to do this assessment,” she said.

Source: Barandbench

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