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International Model United Nations on The Internet Governance Paradigm by JSS Law College, Mysore [Aug 3]: Register by August 1!

The International Model United Nations Conference on International Model United Nations on the Internet Governance Paradigm is scheduled for August 3rd, 2024.

About the Organization

JSS Law College, a professional autonomous institution, was founded in 1982. It has received an ‘A’ Grade re-accreditation from NAAC and has been acknowledged by the UGC as a “College with Potential for Excellence.” JSS Law College holds the distinction of being the first law college in India to attain autonomous status. Since its inception, the college has been dedicated to developing innovative methods of delivering legal education.

It has succeeded in establishing itself as one of the leading law colleges, attracting students from numerous foreign countries. The faculty, staff, and students all share a strong belief in and commitment to the institution’s programs. The teaching and learning process occurs in a distinctive atmosphere characterized by mutual respect, active participation, and interaction.

The college’s verdant, pleasant, and clean campus has contributed to the disciplined environment, featuring ICT-enabled classrooms, an auditorium, and smart rooms. The college’s library is spacious and well-stocked, boasting the latest and most authoritative legal compendiums of all Central and State Acts, lexicons, encyclopedias, legal reports and journals, and commentaries.

It is open from 8 AM to 9 PM and is in the process of being equipped with online legal databases and ICT-enabled services. Additionally, the college provides a language lab, hostel, and sports centre.


Who owns the Internet? Mapping the complexities of global internet regulations, standards, and local realities; harmonizing laws; shaping the future of the cross-border digital economy and e-commerce; and addressing legal challenges and governance while upholding state sovereignty.

General Details

  • Date: 3rd August 2024.
  • Time: 2 PM to 8 PM (Indian Time)
  • The Last Date of Registration is 1st August 2024.
  • Format: Online
  • Platform: Webex


In the interconnected web of our modern world, where boundaries blur and information flows freely across continents with a click, the governance of the internet stands as a paramount challenge of our time.

As we convene for the International Model United Nations on Internet Governance paradigm, the agenda before us resonates with profound implications for societies worldwide: Legal Frameworks and the Administration, Control, Ownership, and International Governance of the Internet.
The digital realm, once a nascent frontier, has evolved into an essential facet of global infrastructure, touching every aspect of human endeavour from commerce to communication, education to entertainment.

Yet, amidst its vast opportunities lie complex questions of regulation, jurisdiction, and rights that demand our collective attention. At the heart of our deliberations lies the quest for legal frameworks that strike a delicate balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding rights.

How do we reconcile the principles of free expression with the imperative to combat misinformation and hate speech? Can we construct legal architectures that transcend national borders while respecting cultural and political diversity? The stewardship of the internet’s physical and virtual resources raises critical issues of administration, control, and ownership. Who holds the keys to domain names and IP addresses? How can we ensure equitable access to digital infrastructure while protecting against monopolistic practices?

These questions underscore the need for transparent and inclusive governance mechanisms that empower stakeholders from all corners of the globe. Perhaps the most pressing challenge is the quest for international governance models that reflect the interconnected nature of the internet. How can we build consensus among nations with divergent interests and ideologies? What role should international organizations play in shaping the future of cyberspace?

The pursuit of global norms and standards is essential to fostering trust and cooperation in an increasingly interdependent world. Delegates explore international norms and treaties for addressing jurisdictional disputes in cyberspace, proposing frameworks for cooperation among states in addressing legal challenges in the digital age.


The International Model United Nations (IMUN) on Internet Governance aims to educate participants about crucial aspects of Internet regulation, administration, ownership, and state sovereignty. The conference will delve into various topics including:

  1. Exploring the current frameworks and regulatory mechanisms governing the internet globally. Discussions will focus on the roles of international organizations, national governments, and private entities in shaping Internet governance.
  2. Analyzing the challenges and solutions surrounding data privacy laws, cybersecurity measures, and the protection of user information in the digital age.
  3. Examining the profound influence of the Internet on global economies, particularly through e-commerce, digital markets, and the cross-border flow of goods and services. Discussions will highlight regulatory efforts aimed at fostering innovation while ensuring fair competition.
  4. Discussing the transformative role of the internet in advancing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and blockchain. Participants will explore regulatory frameworks necessary to promote ethical AI development and deployment.
  5. Addressing legal issues arising from cross-border data flows, digital content regulation, intellectual property rights, and jurisdictional disputes in cyberspace. Participants will propose diplomatic solutions and legal mechanisms to resolve these challenges while upholding state sovereignty and international cooperation.
  6. Understanding the role of international bodies such as the United Nations (UN), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in internet governance. Discussions will focus on enhancing collaboration among stakeholders to develop inclusive and effective regulatory frameworks.
  7. Examining the taxation of digital services, cross-border tax challenges posed by the internet economy, and strategies to mitigate cyber threats and enhance digital security measures.

General Rules

In a Model UN conference, the procedure is crucial for the effective conduct of debates and decision-making. After roll call, delegates can submit motions, such as the Motion to Set the Agenda, which requires a 2/3 majority vote.

Once the agenda is set, delegates can propose the Motion to Open the Speakers’ List, typically approved unanimously, followed by setting the Speaker’s Time, usually between 60 and 90 seconds per delegate. The flow of debate in a traditional Model UN conference follows a structured process that allows for formal and informal discussions on various topics.

Roll Call
The Chairperson calls out each country’s name, and delegates respond with “present” or “present and voting” to indicate their presence.

General Speaker List
Formal debate (Formal debate revolves around the speakers’ list. Each speaker can speak a maximum of 90 seconds)
“Delegates of India/ Brazil/ USA/UK/ Germany wish to raise a motion for the establishment of a general speaker list.”
The moderated caucus, (Each speaker can speak a maximum of 60 seconds)

“Delegates of India/ Brazil/ USA/UK/ Germany wish to suspend formal debates and propose a motion for moderated caucuses on the topic ‘ON THE INTERNET GOVERNANCE”, for a time period of 20 minutes per speaker, with a total time of 60 seconds.” Unmoderated caucus, (In an unmoderated caucus, the delegates informally meet with other delegates for discussions) followed by passing the Resolution Closing debate
“Delegates of India/ Brazil/ USA/UK/ Germany, propose a motion to adjourn the meeting and move for voting.”
Drafting Resolution (with the requisite number of sponsors and signatories is submitted to the dais for approval and once approved becomes a draft resolution)
Friendly amendments: Friendly amendments are changes or revisions made to the draft resolution that is approved by all sponsors.
Unfriendly amendments: Unfriendly amendments are not supported by all sponsors and must be voted on by the committee.

Preambulatory Clauses
These clauses are substantive, begin a resolution and cannot be amended. Preambulatory clauses provide an overview of the problem and remind member states of past actions taken on the issue.

Operative Clauses
These clauses contain the real content and action of a resolution and can be amended.

How To Write a Resolution?

A resolution is the primary outcome of a committee’s work in a Model UN conference, aiming to “resolve” the problem at hand. It serves as the UN’s decision-making document, crafted collaboratively by Member States. Resolutions serve two main purposes: to determine the UN’s actions regarding the issue and to recommend or request actions from individual Member States to address the problem. Resolutions adhere to a specific format, consisting of three main sections: the header, the preamble, and the operative section.

The Header
Committee: Identify the committee you represent.
Topic: States the topic under discussion.
Sponsors: Lists the main authors who wrote the Resolution.
Signatories: This includes delegates who want the Resolution introduced for debate, though they may not support its content.
The Preamble
Sets the scene for the Resolution, explaining why it is being written and the issue’s significance.
Can reference past UN resolutions, treaties, and international actions related to the topic. Begin each paragraph with “preambular phrases,” italicised in the Resolution and ending in a comma.

The Operatives

Determine the UN’s action on the issue, such as funding solutions or requesting actions from Member States. Start with italicised operative phrases, which are numbered and end in a semicolon, except for the final operative, which ends in a period. If an operative is broken into sub-operatives, use a colon to introduce them, starting with lowercase letters.
Operative Phrases
Begin operative paragraphs should be italicised and include phrases like. Therefore, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of the issues at hand, offering a bird’s eye view of the challenges and opportunities related to the agenda. It is designed to help you understand the complexities of the topic and to serve as a starting point for your research. As you prepare for the conference, we encourage you to delve deeper into the themes and sub-themes raised in the guide and to explore additional resources to enhance your understanding. We are confident that your dedication and hard work will contribute to meaningful discussions and the development of innovative solutions. We wish you all the best in your preparations and look forward to welcoming you to the conference.


The JSS Law College (Autonomous), Mysore, Karnataka, India, in association with the Institute of Legal and Policy Research (virtual NGO).

How to Register?

  • Registration Fees: None (This event is free of charge)
  • Registration through the form given below this post.

Contact Information

For further details or inquiries, please contact at or +91-7204578694.

Click here to Register

Source: Lawctopus

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