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HomeLawJustice P Somarajan bids farewell to Kerala High Court with the distinction...

Justice P Somarajan bids farewell to Kerala High Court with the distinction of record disposal of second appeals

The judge is set to demit office on Saturday, July 13.

In his farewell speech at the full court reference held by the High Court in his honour, Justice Somarajan highlighted his case disposal record as a High Court judge.

I have the enviable distinction of a record disposal of second appeals in India,” he said.

He also underscored the role he played during his tenure of nearly 8 years, to ensure speedy disposal of cases at the Kerala High Court.

With due modesty and humility, and without attempting to toot my own horn, I would like to mention two facts: Firstly, I have the enviable distinction of a record disposal of second appeals in India. During my tenure, I can aver with pride that I have accomplished a landmark record of disposal of second civil appeals within a short span of one year and three months… Secondly, I had ensured speedy disposal of almost all old civil appeals including second appeals ranging from 10 to 65 years old during my stint in this prestigious post,” he stated.

He also recalled that his tenure witnessed the closure of cases that had remained unresolved in the system for decades, including a case that was filed on the day he was born.

I also had the opportunity, although it might sound a bit amusing, to dispose of a case that was filed on the day I was born. And some other cases were filed even before my birth. On a lighter note, I’d like to recall that these facts didn’t get much recognition, but I see it as part of one’s duty, carried out without expecting any applause,” he said.

Source: Barandbench

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